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'No it's fine. Stay here.' She smiled. 'No way. Jade's waiting to get you by yourself. I'm not gonna let her do anything to you.' Yuxin grabbed a jacket for herself. 'Yuxin, if she was gonna do something, she would've already done it. I'm fine. Stay here. I'll see you in a bit.' Y/N took Yuxin's jacket out of her hands and put it back before turning around. 'I don't care what you say. I'm coming with you. You've been quiet. I know you're feeling off. I won't say anything else just let me come with you please.' Yuxin hugged her from behind.

Y/N sighed and nodded. 'We'll see you guys in the hall.' Yuxin said as the two of the set off down the corridor. 'So where we going?' Yuxin asked. Y/N shrugged, 'Somewhere outside.' They headed for small park around the corner from the YWY2 building and sat on the swings in a comfortable silence. 'Boo?' Y/N looked at Yuxin. 'I love you' She smiled. 

Y/N looked away smiling slightly and saw a small puppy scampering over to the two girls. They played around with the small pup until it's owner came and found it. 'You found him. Thank you guys. He's always running off.' The old lady huffed out. 'Here take this.' She handed them some money. 'It's not much but I insist you take it.'

'Oh no need for it Miss. We were just here and he came and found us. It's really nothing. Spend it on yourself.' Y/N smiled and bowed at the older lady. 'Oh bless you two children. Nice kids these days so hard to find. I hope you girls are greatly rewarded with happiness wherever you two go.' She smiled at them before bidding them goodbye. 

They slowly started walking back to the building hand in hand. 'Aren't you scared people will take pictures?' Y/N asked. 'Let them.' She responded coolly. 'Yuxin, I don't wanna ruin your career.' Yuxin pulled Y/N closer. 'You won't boo.' They walked into the building and let the warmth dance around their bare skin. They slowly walked towards the hall and saw Gia and Nineone on the way. 

The group made their way up the stairs when Y/N saw someone hide behind a door. 'Guys,' she whispered. 'Stay to this side.' Nineone looked confused and Y/N mouthed Jade's name. Yuxin immediately wrapped her arms around Y/N and moved her so she was in front of her and behind the two other girls. 'Girls you should be in the hall by now.' A staff member popped up behind them making the girls quickly run up the stairs, avoiding the door. 

They rushed into the hall but Y/N managed to quickly turn to see Jade with an evil grin on her face. 'I'll get you.' She waved bye sending shivers down Y/N's back. 'There you guys are. Hurry up Kun will be here any minute.' Anqi quickly rushed them off to their places and the trainees greeted Kun when he walked down the tunnel. 'Okay so shall we begin?'



I'm really sorry for not updating guys. 

I don't have any energy, I feel so drained. I haven't written anything in so long. I feel unmotivated and don't wanna to do anything. I'm thinking of taking a hiatus until maybe next year but I don't wanna make you guys wait. I don't wanna disappoint anyone but I know that either way I will. If I do take a hiatus, I will try my best to get at least one update out each week. I'm kinda scared that the chapters I've already written aren't good enough and that I won't have any back up left. I will try and keep going and keep writing but I need to find my drive again. Hopefully THE9's album will give me that push and I'll get back to more frequent updates. 

I've thought about ditching this book a hell of a lot but I kept it. I thought of the achievements I gained and didn't wanna let them go to waste. I do enjoy writing and I do wanna keep on doing it but I don't have it in me right now. I'm probably gonna have to re-do a bunch of chapters because they suck ass and I need to get the standard of my writing higher in general. I'm not one to talk about myself but I feel that because nobody knows who I am it's a bit easier. And you guys deserve to know.

This might be the last chapter of this year so I just wanna say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Thanks for reading guys and I love you :))))))))))))


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