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'Stoppppp!!' Y/N instantly moved away from Yuxin who was laughing. She walked around the table and sat next to Keran. She hugged her arm and shot an over exaggerated glare at Yuxin. 'What happened?' Keran asked. 'Keke!!!' Y/N wailed. 'Is Yuxin being mean again?' She asked while laughing. Y/N nodded and stuck her tongue out at Yuxin who was holding her stomach from laughing to hard. She stood up and approached Y/N. 'KEKE!!' She tightly held onto the older girl by her waist while Yuxin tried pulling her away. 

'Babeee.' Yuxin sat down with a pout and looked over to Y/N. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back. Y/N carefully turned around and laughed slightly when she saw Yuxin. She slowly went over to her after grabbing a few slices of pizza. 'Come on, eat some food.' Y/N pecked her before showing her the pizza. Yuxin sat up and they both ate their food in peace before they were interrupted by Keyin loudly singing along to the music and pulling Yuxin away to the dance floor. 

Y/N laughed uncontrollably at her girlfriend who was looking lost with a half eaten slice of pizza in her hand. Yuxin looked over to her and tried to escape from the crowd was pulled deeper to the heart of the dancefloor. 'I should probably go get her.' Y/N said as she finished mouthful. 'Okay, be careful.' Keran smiled up before turning to Fan and hugging her from behind. 'And she says me and Yuxin are obvious.' Y/N sighed under her breathe with a smile. 

She ventured off amongst the girls into the direction she saw Yuxin disappear into. Y/N was bombarded with compliments left, right and centre by everyone she passed until she finally found Yuxin who was being thrown around like a rag doll by Keyin. She went over and took Yuxin into her arms. 'Hey, that's my dance partner.' Keyin pouted. 'She's mine.' Y/N shot a playful scowl at her as she went to find Xinwen. 

'I'm yours huh?' Yuxin smiled down at Y/N who blushed and hid in Yuxin's neck. 'I love you babe.' She whispered in the youngers ear. Butterflies exploded in Y/N's stomach as she lifted her head. 'I love you too, hottie.' They both danced together until Yuxin had sobered up a bit more and made their way back to the table. 'God, my feet hurt to much.' Y/N loosened the straps on her heels and kicked them off under the table. 'That's better.' She sighed. 

'Alright everybody. We've got our own special performers. We already know them quite well and we've seen them perform for us before but who can get sick of them. Give it up for Cai Xukun and Lalisa Manoban.' Many girls rushed to get as close to the stage as possible but Y/N and Yuxin were more than happy to watch them from a distance. First Lisa came and performed her dance to Mushroom Chocolate. The crowd cheered like crazy and Xinyi couldn't stop obsessing on how Lisa's bangs didn't move an inch from their starting position. 

Wait Wait Wait started playing and Kun came out to perform. Y/N smiled as she remembered the writing process of the song. She was slightly scared when Kun had said to her that he was going to leave her vocal samples in the final song but the singer was never revealed. Kun himself stated he didn't know which was true but Y/N couldn't help but notice him repeatedly look over to the couple with a face of realisation. 

Her vocals were used on a few other tracks such as Seesaw by Suga, Puma by TXT and had some backing vocals for many Ariana Grande, Clean Bandit, Dua Lipa and Zara Larsson songs. But now she was on a show, she was starting to worry that people may recognise her voice. Soon the performance was over and everyone cheered for their mentors while returning to their seats or going for another round on the dance floor. 



I want chicken noodle soup with the soda on the side

Question what vibe do I give off?

Question what vibe do I give off?

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Very random but I'm curious


Thanks for readingggg :))))

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