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Y/N felt much better after Yuxin convinced her to eat and the music teacher let them watch a small film with the time they had left. Her last lesson flew by and LinKai made sure she was okay throughout the lesson. Yuxin and Y/N walked over to Y/N's to drop their stuff off and headed to a nearby park. 'Boo,' Y/N looked up to Yuxin who finishing off her ice-cream. 'After I graduate what should I do?' Y/N smiled answering. 'Go to the city. Apply for a respected Uni and study music and dance.' Yuxin frowned. 

'But what about you?' Y/N hugged Yuxin from the side. 'I'm fine. I have Dad, Hannah, Fei, Jun and LinKai. Sure I'll miss you but we can always visit each other.' Yuxin pouted slightly. 'I don't wanna leave you.' Y/N pushed Yuxin's head slightly. 'Don't let me stop you from doing what you always wanted to do. I know what I just said to you is what you would've done if I hadn't come along. Go.' Yuxin looked into the view. 

Y/N could see the passion in her eyes and she didn't want to get in the way of that. 'I'll think about it.' Yuxin was conflicted. She wanted to go so badly but she didn't want to  leave Y/N. She wanted to make sure nothing happened to her. She had her Dad and she trusted her cousins but she had a bad feeling that something would happen if she leaves. 

They headed back for Y/N's house because Yuxin was going to meet up with some old friends to celebrate her turning 18. She wanted to bring Y/N but she was still a minor so couldn't come. They had planned to spend the whole weekend together to make up for it even though Y/N had said for her to rest. The pair split off and Yuxin quickly got ready when she got in. 

'I'm leaving now.' Yuxin called out before leaving the house and locking the door behind her. She had chosen to wear something a bit different and had paired black skinny jeans with a tank top with low cut armholes, so you could see her sports bra and the sides of her waist. She called a cab before jumping in and heading to the bar where she was meeting her friends. She got in and saw one waiting for her. 

'Yuxin! It's been a while. You look good.' Yuxin smiled and thanked the latter girl before going in. It felt weird not being with Y/N but Yuxin tried to shake it off and enjoy herself. 'What do you want?' Yuxin looked up at the drinks menu. 'I'll just have a coke.' Her friends all shook their head. 'You just turned 18 honey. I'm getting drinks for everyone.' Yuxin told her to make sure that it was only a little bit of alcohol. 

The drinks came and Yuxin took a small sip but felt the fiery sensation of it sliding down her throat. 'How much liquor's in this?' She asked while squeezing her eyes shut. 'Don't worry we'll make sure you get home safe. Just enjoy it and let's partyy!' The rest of the night was no less of the same. Yuxin got drunk very quickly and ended up being dropped at her Fei's house a few hours later. Fei opened the door and saw Yuxin stumbling around outside her door. 

'Xin you stupid. Who told you to go drinking?' She fell into Fei's arms and she quickly brought her inside. 'Stay here. I'm gonna ring Y/N.' Yuxin's eyes widened. 'N-no.' She slurred. 'Don't.' Fei ignored her and called Y/N. 'Y/N. It's Yuxin-.' she was cut off, 'Where is she? Is she okay?' Fei told her that she was at her house and heard Y/N call for her Dad and hang up. Y/N arrived at their house within 5 minutes and ran up to Yuxin who tried to keep herself away from the younger girl. 



Okay I have good news. I am just finalising one of the outfits and once that's been added into the right chapter then I think we are good to go back to frequent updates. Imma try and have it at 3 updates per week and maybe more depending on how much I write that week. I have bagged so many extra chapters over the past few weeks. (I'm currently writing chapter 56). Please don't judge my drawing that much I'm not the best artist and feel free to ignore it if you already have an idea of what you would like to wear or if you don't like it. 

Thank you for readinggggg :))))))

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