Chapter 2

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Ildri carried trays through the great halls of Wildwood.

There were whispers of rumours in the air; obviously something in the greater world was stirring and Ildri was attuned to each one.  It seemed that the Wizard Jim had arrived not only with Lady Daphne and her husband, but also a couple soldiers from the royal castle.  They had brought news along with them.  Ildri listened with interest to all the little snippets of information.  Some spoke of the fate of Anya and some spoke of the king.  It was said that a lord involved in Anya's crimes had been put to death and that a wrongly accused lord had been cleared of all charges.  The people worried about the threat of rebellion that seemed to be climbing up from the shadows.  Rebellion almost certainly meant violence and war.  Lord Wildwood's wife, Lady Theresa, held their new infant daughter and seemed as concerned as everyone else.  The baby's nanny hovered near their lady anxiously, whether to be ready to take the infant if needed, or because she was as unsettled by the news as all the others.

Ildri felt a bit uneasy when she thought about it, but she knew that her Lord Wildwood would prevail.  He was loyal to the king and the king could not possibly lose with such a man behind him.  Lord Wildwood's wife was also very dependable.  She had even protected the lord against Anya's attacks.  They were a powerful pair and could be counted on even if someone was foolish enough to try to stand against the king, Ildri was certain.

Ildri would just stay in the safety of her dear Wildwood and tend to her own work while those in charge of the kingdom sorted the whole mess out.  She would get married to Saul and perhaps even have a cute baby girl just as Lady Theresa had.  Everything would be perfect.

* * * * *

Ildri was cleaning the kitchen with Matt when Lady Theresa entered.  In one hand she carried a woven basket.  The baby was sleeping peacefully inside.  In the other she bore a velvet bag.  Ildri knew it contained the lady's chess set.

"Can I borrow Matt?" Lady Theresa asked with a half smile.

Matt nodded.  "Of course," Ildri replied.

Lady Theresa and Matt played in silence while Ildri finished the end of her tasks for the day.  It was not unusual for her lady to come to the kitchen sometimes.  She had taught Matt to play chess many months before, when she had first stayed at Wildwood.  The two began to play silently.

When Ildri finished she sat down and watched them.  She did not understand the rules, but the two seemed to know.

"You're becoming very good," Lady Theresa commented to Matt.

The baby stirred in her basket and started to cry.

"Can you pick Lillie up?" Lady Theresa asked Ildri.

"Me?" Ildri asked, feeling alarmed.  "But I'll drop her."

"No, you won't.  Just make sure you support her head."

"Well, I guess..." Ildri said, and she picked up the baby.  It felt awkward, because the little thing was so delicate.

Lady Theresa smiled.  "See, you can do it," she said, and looked at the board.  She moved a piece.

"Ch-check," Matt said.

"Very good.  You'll have to play Sir Thomas next time he comes, Matt.  Teach him a well deserved lesson."  She laughed a bit at some private joke and moved another piece.

"If y-y-you want m-me to," Matt said hesitantly.  He moved.

"You don't have to.  But you would certainly win.  Check."

Matt smiled.  "R-really?" he moved.

"Yes.  You're a very smart and talented young man."  Lady Theresa moved another piece.

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