Chapter 61

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Theresa hurried through the corridors of Wildwood, with a very specific destination in mind. She did not regret going after Wildwood to ensure that the man did not finally manage to die after so many close scrapes, but she was also relieved to be home after yet another stressful adventure.

Moreover, she was especially happy that she was going to see Lillie again. She missed her baby so much it felt like a physical pain in her heart. Ever since she had found out that she was carrying a little life inside of her, her purpose had shifted to focus on the sweet little person that had been produced by her and Wildwood's love.

The first place she checked was the nursery, and she pushed open the door to see Lillie's nanny just picking up the baby. The woman turned towards the door and dipped her head. "My lady," she said, "It's so good to see you've returned. Miss Lillie was just waking up from her nap."

"Thank you," Theresa said, moving forward and outstretching her arms. "I'll take her now. You can have the next couple of hours to yourself."

"Thank you, my lady." Lillie's nanny handed the child over to Theresa and then curtseyed before leaving.

Wide blue eyes stared up at Theresa from a chubby little face. Theresa hugged Lillie to her chest, feeling fiercely protective. She would do everything possible to ensure that this little one would have a good life in a world that could be difficult and frightening.

Lillie babbled happily and grabbed Theresa's hair, yanking a chunk out of the updo Anya had helped her with while travelling. She would never be happy that the other woman had went along with Thorne's schemes, but she seemed to be trustworthy enough now, and she had helped Theresa save Wildwood, so Theresa could try to find it in her heart somehow to be forgiving.

Plus, now that she would marry Jim, Theresa was certain to have some contact with the witch.

Theresa carried Lillie with her out of the nursery and to her sitting room, half of which had been repurposed as an area for Lillie to play. Theresa did not care that keeping her child close was not how things were done, it was what she wanted, and she had friends in high places now, so who would tell her she was wrong?

She smiled with satisfaction. She mourned the lives lost, but was grateful that those she loved had escaped mostly unscathed.

Theresa set Lillied down, and the baby instantly started crawling towards her wooden blocks. Some poor servant had neatly stacked them, and it took Lillie about half a second to knock the structure to the ground.

Theresa heard a commontion towards the door and looked over.

"Theresa!" Daphne cried as she rushed forward and engulfed Theresa in a hug. "I'm so glad you're safe. Never do that to me again!"

"Hopefully I won't have to."

Daphne sniffled and started crying. "These feelings just won't leave me alone. I keep imagining what could have happened to you and..." Her words trailed off into more sobs.

"Oh, Daphne, I know, I know. But don't worry. You've got Thomas, and I've got Keaton. I've got Lillie and you've got your little one on the way. And neither of our kids have an evil aunt, so they're already ahead of where we started."

Daphne laughed at that. Theresa sent a passing servant to fetch tea for her upset sister. She had cried a lot when she had been pregnant, too, and she wondered if that was something they had in common as sisters.

They talked and laughed for a long time, and as much as Daphne could annoy Theresa, she cherished the time she would have with her sibling before she would return to Harding.

Lillie, sweet baby that she was, kept her destructive tendencies to a minimum while the two ladies spoke.

Then, they were interrupted by the arrival of two men. Thomas smiled his charming smile as he collected his wife and Theresa could not find it annoying as she once did. He made Daphne happy, and Theresa had come to trust him.

Wildwood came in a knelt on the floor to play with a squealing and squirming Lillie. Theresa's heart swelled with the sight.

Before long, Lillie's nanny came and collected Lillie to feed her, and her parents let her go for a short time. Wildwood turned to Theresa and pulled her close. "I wish you hadn't been so reckless."

"I could say the same to you, Wildwood."

"Well, let's not fight about it."

"I agree. It worked out, in the end. Do you think things will be calmer now?"

"Well, Scelus will think twice before attacking us again any time soon."

Theresa smiled. "Lillie will have enough problems as it is, I imagine."

"Don't worry so much, love."

"Easy for you to say."

He laughed at her. "Well, I think I've done more than just say it."

Theresa could have complained about the many times he got himself into danger since they met, but she decided not to ruin the moment. Instead, she lifted herself up on her toes and kissed her Wildwood.

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