Chapter 39

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Ildri managed to collect Keziah and eat breakfast before Missus White hunted her down.

"Come this way, Ildri," Missus White said with an unpleasant expression. The housekeeper generally ignored Ildri or treated Ildri as a piece of furniture. However today Ildri seemed to be in the spotlight of Missus White's disapproving attention. It was not an improvement.

Ildri was not certain what it was exactly that Missus White was so angry about. It could be the parrot that was riding on Ildri's shoulder. It might have been that Missus White felt that Ildri was getting beyond her rightful place and a small part of Ildri could not help but agree with that idea. She was not anyone special, not a lady like Lord Wildwood's wife nor wonderfully talented like Maxine. She was just Ildri of Wildwood, an orphan.

Ildri shrugged. If Lord Wildwood wanted Ildri to do something she would do it, regardless of how the stern housekeeper felt about the situation.

They arrived at a door that Ildri had not been in. It was not in the guest rooms nor was it in the servant's quarters but rather somewhere between the two.

Missus White pushed open the door. "Lord Wildwood ordered that you are to have these rooms," she intoned as if she thought it was a seriously poor idea.

Ildri looked around. The main room was far bigger than her old room had been, and there were two doors leading out.

"Really?" The words rushed out in a breath.

Missus White gave her an imperious look and continued talking. "This door leads to your new bedchamber and a garderobe. This second shall be your workroom. You are to inform me if there is anything that you need. You will still be paid on the same days as you were previously but you will now report directly to Lord Wildwood regarding your tasks."

"Really?" Ildri repeated, feeling quite overwhelmed.

Missus White's eyes narrowed and her lips drew in until it looked like her features were being sucked backwards into her face. Ildri stuttered, "I'm sorry, it's just so... overwhelming, I guess, I don't mean to..."

"You will find some money to use for supplies in a small locked chest in your workroom." She thrust out several keys towards Ildri. Ildri took them, feeling bemused.

"The largest locks your main door, the smallest unlocks the chest and the other two are for the other rooms. Do not lose them or their replacements shall come out of your pay."

Ildri nodded.

"As always, do not disturb me with questions unless it is of dire urgency. I have much to do and no time for pointless frivolity."

"Yes, Missus White."

Missus White nodded curtly and exited without another word.

* * * * *

"Can you believe this?" Ildri asked the bird perched on her shoulder as the door swung shut behind the housekeeper.

"Bloody lady," Keziah replied.

"You need to stop saying bloody."

"Bloody? Bloody blood."

Ildri opened the door to the bedroom and sat down on the bed. She supposed that she would have to go and gather all her possessions from her old room. The castle had many extra rooms but they would probably want it vacated in case they needed it. She really did not feel like doing it, though. She leaned back onto the bed. It could wait a few minutes.

Ildri looked at Keziah who had fluttered to the edge of the bed. "Will you listen to me if you become my familiar?" she wondered.

"Pretty lady," Keziah said.

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