Chapter 13

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"Why is this war happening?" She just wanted the world to be the peaceful place that she had always thought that it was.

"It all started in the time of King Elbert, the father of King Irvin."

"Our current king," she said softly.

"Yes. His Majesty's father. King Elbert was a good man in his own way but he was weak in some important matters which hurt the kingdom badly. When he died, the kingdom was running in the direction of chaos. Our king inherited at a very bad time, but he is a much wiser leader than his father. If he had been given more time I am certain that the tide would have turned in his favour."

"What did the old king do?"

"He did not have a grasp of how to balance rule to maintain order and prosperity. The lower classes were miserable, some nobles started grasping for power and our enemies saw our weakness and began sneaking through the door."

"So there's no hope?"

Ildri felt Ty's hand on her shoulder and she turned to look at him. His expression was comforting. "There is hope. The king has many good lords on his side. Many still support him, although few enough realized the underhanded way that the king was being undermined until recently. The last waves of assassinations have removed some good allies from the king," Ty paused with some unnamed emotion that Ildri thought to be anger. He continued, "But at the same time they have made those who remain more aware of the foes that we are facing and the techniques that they will use to obtain their ends. We can fight fire with fire."

Ildri felt overwhelmed. Assassinations and plots. "Was Anya a part of this?" she asked, almost dreading the answer. If Anya was, Ildri had probably inadvertently helped her.

"The one manipulating her was working against the king. It was the Earl of Farhaven. I had the misfortune to meet him," Ty said, his voice sounding cold.

"What was he like?" she wondered. For the first time since she had discovered Anya's duplicity, Ildri felt pity for the girl who had once been her friend.

Ty shrugged. "It's hard to say exactly what it was. He looked normal. His manners were courtly, but there were always unsubstantiated rumours for as long as I can remember. From what I've heard he derived exquisite pleasure from tormenting any who fell into his power."

Ildri sighed. "Like Anya."

"I questioned Miss Davies while she was residing in the king's dungeon," he commented.

"Really?" Ildri did not know why, but she wanted to know more about Anya's fate.

Ty nodded. "She seemed guilty and resigned to the king's judgement. An interesting thing when she was likely the most innocent person there."

"The most innocent..?" Just how bad were the criminals in the king's dungeon?

"What I mean is she had clearly not committed crimes for some petty gain. Most assassins work for the money it brings, but it seems Miss Davies only did it because the Earl of Farhaven threatened her younger siblings."

Ildri thought of Damani and Kallie. She did not want anything bad to happen to the twins. "But she still should have come forward for help," Ildri said stubbornly.

Ty nodded. "You are right, but I know why she did not. She did not expect anyone to help her."

Ildri scowled, thinking of the shifting memories she had of when the old Lord Wildwood had taken her in. He had helped her in so many ways. "Someone would have," Ildri said stubbornly. There are people in the world."

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