Chapter 12

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Ildri and Ty travelled with only scant breaks until after the last of the sun's rays were well hidden behind the horizon. The moon's faint light guided them until Ty finally decided that they would stop for the night. Ildri suspected that they would have continued all night if it were not for the horse needing a break. She could sense that he was anxious to get to the capital and his apprehensiveness increased her own. She knew nothing of the politics of the world but even Ildri could tell that serious things were in the works, things that could change the course of the future. Perhaps even things that would touch the haven of Wildwood.

She did not want that to happen. It was not just her own sense of selfish wellbeing that prompted her anxiety. She feared for them all. She thought of Lord Wildwood and Lady Theresa and their little girl, and of chef and her husband, and Matt and all the other people that she lived and worked with there. Even Missus White. Things were never perfect, but they were happy and safe. She did not want anything to ruin that.

But something was coming on the wind and it frightened Ildri more than anything else. More than being in the world away from Wildwood, more than the dark forest at night. Even more than being alone.

Ty was moving around and settling the horse in. Ildri looked over at him from her spot on the ground as he spoke softly in the horse's ear. It was only after he was done that he looked over at Ildri.

"Yes?" he asked.

"I'm scared," she said, biting her lip.

"Of what?" he asked, looking around them as if to find the answer to his question.

"Of everything," she said with a shrug. "Of all these things that are happening. I mean, is an army going to invade?"

"I don't know," he said.

Ildri shook her head. "But what do you think? You must suspect something."

"I don't know if I should speak with you about this," he said carefully.

Ildri felt hurt but she shrugged it to the side. "I won't tell anyone."


"It's worse if I don't know. I mean, I was happy not knowing when I was safe in Wildwood. But now I'm not there and I don't even know if Wildwood is really safe any longer."

Ty exhaled and sat down on the ground only a short distance from her. Even though they had shared a horse all day he somehow seemed closer just sitting there. "Nowhere is truly safe, Ildri, but Wildwood is one of the safest places that I know of. It was part of the reason that it was difficult to catch Saul."

"But surely Lord Wildwood..."

"He knew that there was a spy in his midst and he knew that I, or rather someone, was going to root out the traitor. But the king has his own reasons that I conceal my identity, and Lord Wildwood is a busy man."

Ildri nodded. "He's barely home anymore. He barely made it in time for the birth of his first daughter."

"His wife must have been upset," he commented.

"I think they were both upset, actually. Ever since she's had the baby she's been happier to stay home. But I know he hates being away. He would rather be with them. But he also wants them to be safe. I didn't understand, but now I think that I do."

"We've all had to make concessions," Ty agreed.

"What have you had to..?" she asked.

"I don't want to talk about that," he said, but he did not sound unkind in his words.

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