✔Chapter IX - In Lotus Garden with The Prince

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Chapter 9.

Seraphina froze as Billard suggested to take a tour of their garden. In normal circumstances, she would have been a bit excited, however, when he mentioned the young prince would be their guide she froze.

She had felt the glares he had been sending her throughout their meals. But why did he agree on it when he didn't even seem like he was interested in being in the same room with her? 

Once inside their chamber after the dinner, Seraphina plopped down on the bed.

"Why do I have to go with that kid?" Seraphina fumed and Celia threw her a sharp glare.

"Watch your mouth!" She hissed. "He is the dragon prince and if anyone caught you addressing him anything but Your Highness or Prince then you'll suffer consequences and along with you, our nation."

"But still, why do I have to go for a tour with him? Why can't I just go by myself or even with you for that matter?" Seraphina pouted and Celia narrowed her eyes at her.

"Didn't you hear what Prince Billard said? You and His Highness are going to get married, so, you'll have to get to know each other." She said as she started preparing the bed, tugging on the velvet quilt making Seraphina roll over.

"But, he's too arrogant. And, he doesn't even seem like he wants to marry me, even I don't want to marry a kid." Seraphina whined and Celia smacked her forehead making her squeal out.

"Ouch! What was that for?" 

"Make it a habit of addressing His Highness properly and on the contrary  nobody would want to marry an ape woman like you. The wild bears would have more manners than you do." Celia said and Seraphina sat up.


"Are you offended?" Celia asked as she gave Seraphina a frosty look, "Well, I don't care if it did, it's the truth."

Seraphina found it hard to control her anger but she couldn't just pounce on this girl, something told her that she had more of strings in hand than she showed.

"You're too harsh." Seraphina muttered as she remembered the young Prince's cold gaze.

"Besides, all he does is glare at me as if he's going to eat me up. Not that he would be able to, yet..." Seraphina said and Celia came across.

"Well, he's your soon-to-be husband so, it is his choice as how he looks at you." She said uninterestedly.

"He is not my soon-to-be husband..." Sera muttered as she loosened her hair from the annoying ornaments. Her head hurt as she never tied it.

"Besides, who makes a child marry now?" She grumbled.

"He isn't a child. He is a Dragon."

"But he is barely twelve"

"He is thirteen. And a Dragon matures at the age of fourteen."

Seraphina narrowed her eyes as she rested her chin on her palm. When she learned she had entered a Dragon territory, she thought a real Dragon breathing fire and flying around the sky with its big bat wings would be there to scoop her up and gulp her right then and there but instead she came across a child. A damn child who was only giving her cold glares from across the table.

If he was going to be matured at fourteen then why marry now?

She didn't know anything about Dragons. She asked Celia, "So, how much do you know about them?"

"I know a few things..." For a moment Celia recalled all of the memories that the dragons had seared in her mind and she mumbled, "bitter things..."


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