✔Chapter XIX - Destined to be A Monster

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Chapter 19.

Demian sat on his seat as Master Valentine approached his desk. Master Valentine could not understand what the young prince wanted to inquire about Seraphina. He had an hunch. Maybe he finally found out about the deal that he made with Seraphina, but that would also mean that the Prince would have an idea of everything. It could worsen the situation but he had to do what he needed. While his men were all over the place, he had another secret guard that no one could even guess.

Demian's chin rested on his hand for a moment then he tilted his gaze towards Master Valentine. His cold eyes stayed for a moment on him as if he was reading whatever possiblities that ran in Master Valentine's mind. Master Valentine pondered over all that he had done and also wondered whatever might have reached Prince Demian's ears. The young Prince despite his appearance of being a harmless looking thirteen year old child was an extremely sharp person and it was impossible to know what went in his mind because of his passive face.

"Your Highness, we shall go to the dining hall for our morning meal, Prince Billard must be waiting for you."

Demian didn't answer instead he stared at him and Master Valentine could see he was gathering his thoughts.

Finally he asked, "Did you find it suspicious?"

"Suspicious?" He asked, "pardon me for asking but, what is this 'it' to be suspicious for your highness?"

"Everything... " The young prince muttered, "If the guard hadn't approached at the right time, we'd been long dead."

Master Valentine pursed his lips as Demian began, "Has my brother appointed guards to spy on me?"

"Shouldn't it be safe to appoint a few guards-"

"That's not the point!" He fumed, "if the guards were already following us, why didn't they arrive before?"

What the old advisor had gathered there was a wizard who seemed to have some unique ability to conceal their scent. Maybe two wizards. He had no solid proof but his notions led him to believe that.

"The ground was trying to swallow us, I am certain, no one in the dragon territory could do such thing, if the caster wasn't a wizard," Demian said, his eyes sharp as the daggers.

"Well... That maybe true and currently, we are gathering information behind it."

"Then find it. I'm sure the attack this time wasn't only for me... "

Master Valentine frowned. "What are you implying, Your Highness?"

"Those attackers probably were connected to the imposter guards who attacked me and Seraphina in Lotus Garden. They have their eyes on my and her activities, no one from the palace knew that I and Seraphina had gone out but they did and they attacked us. They even risked the attack in the public place which says that they were desperate to kill us. And by the way they attacked it was clearly with the intention of killing us. Not only me but even her, this time I believe that the attack was intended for her." Prince Demian's words made Master Valentine shiver internally.

"They had a wizard in their troop, which is a dangerous thing on its own. But the queer thing is that he had a clean target of me when I was behind Seraphina when she was fighting the two guards, but that that time he didn't kill me, he simply immobilised by making a sandpit around me. It was also probably to distract Seraphina to drop her guard so that they could kill her off quickly." Master Valentine couldn't breathe for a moment, he didn't give this perspective any attention. The attack meant for Seraphina, that meant that these people whoever they were, they were probably intending to rupture the bond between human and dragon nation.

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