✔LIV - The Tempest

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Demian placed the meat in his mouth and he chewed on it while waiting for the Heartstone's answer. The large number of guests looked at him with their jaws sitting on the ground and Seraphina had also joined them. Was he serious! Eating while the people were breaking into the palace!

"Hmm... The food is tasty," Demian said and Seraphina resisted the urge to smack on his head. Her appetite had long gone and he was eating in this situation!

There was another sound of breaking a door or a window as a man from the nobles said, "I-I will give you everything! Take everything but spare us, your Highnes!" He and his whole family bowed down on the ground, while females were weeping, males were shaking with fear.

"Have mercy on us, Your Highnes! I will hand over everything," another one said. And soon Lord Heartstone lost almost every last one of the partners he had.

Lord Heartstone looked at his other friends and thought, What cowards! It was his house and no one can throw him out of it.

All this while, Casian was observing how the little prince was dealing with the situation here. He had a hunch he would use some of his cards but he hadn't expected it to be so dirty. As he watched him, he found a great difference in Billard and Demian. While Billard handled with delicacy, Demian pulled dirty tricks. No wonder the Salamanders were great at ruling. He reminded himself to be careful from next time.

Allison whispered from his behind, "My Lord, the situation might get bloody. Shall we take our leave or maybe hide until this gets settled?"

Casian smiled, "No. I don't want to lose all the fun here and besides, I feel like there's more tricks His Highnes is going to pull."

Allison sighed and stayed behind him as the scene unfolded before them.

Demian had given him two choices yet, the greedy Heartstone wasn't going to fall back. Heartstone looked around for his men but only a few were present there and the rest were outside.

He knew too well if he ordered them now to capture the Prince, it would be treated as treason and he would be executed but The Dragon Prince didn't have many guards. He remembered seeing five knights with him and his steward didn't look like a fighter. His eyes moved at his wife. What could a woman possibly do against his soldiers?

He counted his men which were around twenty-five men present in the hall. And all other nobles cowered before him. But he could see their hesitation to draw their weapons at their prince. But who cared! He ordered, "If you had sworn to serve me, draw your weapons!"

The knights exchanged looks at each other as they knew they had no choice, either way they would be executed. Their family would be executed as well. They had after all pledged their loyalty toward Lord Heartstone not to Prince Demian.

Lord Heartstone devoured completely by greed and power threatened his knights, "Do as I say otherwise your wives and children would suffer the consequences!"

The knights' heads hung low and it seemed they were tired of all this but to protect their family, they had no choice.

Heartstone shouted at them like a madman who had lost all of his senses, "What are you doing? You cowards! Do as I order you to do!"

The knights took little steps toward their Prince as their feet shook.

Heartstone's threatening voice bloomed as the knights froze in fear, "I will make your families slaves and sell them!"

The knights tightened their grips as they were enraged by their master's words and recalled the words of what Princess Seraphina had said. They regretted every actions they had to take under their Lord's orders but for the sake of their families, they had no choice.

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