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Seraphina flapped open her eyes as she found herself in Demian's chamber. But as she was about to sit up, she found it was hard to move. She moved her eyes and saw Demian's strong arms wrapped her against his chest. Her face heated as she saw Demian had no clothes and she was wrapped against his bare chest.

She screamed in embarrassment as it woke up the young prince. As soon as his arms were loosened, she pulled herself away from him and stood up on the ground.

"What is this ruckus in the morning?" Demian said, annoyance hinted in his voice. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a flustered Seraphina was standing beside the bed and her cheeks were red as tomatoes.

"Wh-why are you naked?" She asked as she was flustered.

Demian furrowed his brows as he asked back, "Why? Can't I even sleep naked in my own chamber now?"

"Th-that's not what I meant!" Seraphina shouted, "Why are you naked when I am here?"

Demian smirked as he asked, "What's the problem with being naked when I'm sleeping with my wife?"

By now, Seraphina's whole body started to burn as she turned to leave but Demian caught her hand and yanked her toward him. She fell flat on her back on the bed as Demian hovered over her and her heart was thundering against her ribcage.

"Where do you think you are going?" he asked.

Seraphina's eyes drifted everywhere but him as she said in a weak voice, "To my room."

"Move in here," he said, more like ordered.

Seraphina looked at him with round eyes and asked, "Why?"

"Because you and I are husband and wife. So, move in," he said with a straight face but his eyes stayed on her.

"I-I will think about it." Seraphina said as she looked away.

"Who asked you to think?" Demian raised a brow and said, "I will tell Alonzo to move all of your luggage here."

"I haven't even agreed yet!"

"I didn't ask for your agreement."

He stood up as he left her laying body on the bed and the last piece of the cloth that hid his very precious parts fell on the ground. Seraphina screamed and turned her eyes away.

"Could you please wear something?" She yelled at him while hid her eyes with her hands.

"I don't have any clothes. The previous ones don't fit me anymore."

She stuttered, "Then wrap yourself with the rag because it's very..."


"No! Annoying!"

He smirked as he said, "Your problem besides, now you will be moving here with me, you should start to give me some services."

Seraphina's eyes bulged out from the sockets as she asked, "Wh-what kind of services?"

His smirk turned to an evil grin, "You know the pleasing-your-husband kind of services..."

Seraphina's ears turned red as she hopped out from the bed and dashed toward the door leaving the chamber immediately. Demian laughed as she flew away and her face was priceless. Teasing her was the new hobby he found.

He went to his cupboard and dragged out some of his clothes.


Before their breakfast, Demian's brother had called him to his study as he went there.

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