blushing // kyo sohma

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"KYO~!" I heard screaming from downstairs. Quickly pulling on my school uniform I had to check what was going on.

"You stupid, stupid cat!" Yuki said. I knew he was scolding Kyo, but his voice was still so soft. The room's bustling atmosphere changed as soon as I stepped into the hallway. I saw the problem now, Kagura was over. Everyone's eyes fell on me and I gave a slight bow. "Oh, good morning Y/N!" Shigure welcomed me with a big smile. The vein in his head pulsing ever so slightly. 'He's so... cheerful' I thought. 

The situation was simple, but it occurred so often that every once in a while people would snap. Kyo was seen trying to pick himself out of the fountain, Kagura sobbing over him. She had thrown him through the doors in another one of her outbursts. "Kyo! My darling are you okay?" Kagura said in a shaky tone. "You idiot, you THREW ME IN HERE!" He lashed out once again. Yuki sighed at the two arguing, pinching the bridge of his nose, and turned his attention towards me. "Oh, Miss L/N! Are you okay?" I snapped out of my daydream and faced him. "Oh yeah! Don't worry bout me, I'm good!" He nodded and went towards the front door, "Ready to go?" He asked as he went towards the front door. I gave him a quick "mhm!" and ran to get my stuff. 

"Bye Shigure!" I called out to him as I followed after Yuki down the steps. He waved back with one of his chuckles. 

Going down the stairs, Yuki was waiting for me. "Thanks for wait-" I was cut off by him grabbing my wrist and pulling me slightly. "Come now, we can't be late... and we don't want the cat to catch us.." He mumbled that last part to himself. I just smiled and let him lead the way.

When we were only a block or two away from the school, the sound of yelling made me look back. "RAAAATTTTT!" A fiery, red-head was speeding on the sidewalk just trying to catch up. Yuki rolled his eyes and tried walking away. I grabbed his arm, making him look back at me. "C'mon! Let's wait for Kyo." I said with a smile. He looked at the boy ahead and begrudgingly stayed next to me. 

After a few seconds, Kyo was right next to us with his hand wrapped in a ball of Yuki's shirt fabric. 

"You cheating RAT!" Kyo yelled. He started going off about how pissed he was and how much he wanted to kill him. Yuki stared back with a blank expression, this made Kyo more upset. Before it could get any worse, I squeezed between them, releasing Kyo's grip. Yuki straightened his tie and dusted himself off. "Are you two done? We gotta go, or we'll be late!" I walked off in front of them. They exchanged glances and scoffed at each other before following after me. 

School went by really quickly. No big fights or anything too exciting to report. Yuki and Kyo waited for me by the gates and we all headed back home together. "Hey boys, what do you want for dinner?" I asked trying to start a conversation between them. They both looked deep in thought but ended up shrugging their shoulders. "I really don't care what's for dinner as long as it's edible." Kyo ran his fingers through his hair. "You're so rude. I think what he meant to say Miss L/N, is that no matter what you make, it's sure to be delicious." I giggled a little and he showed a sheepish smile. "It's alright. I'll just make whatever Shigure wants!" The two grumbled at my statement but kept silent. 

We made it to the house, heading upstairs to our respective rooms. When I opened my door, I heard a shriek. I quickly turned back to the hallway to see Kyo on the floor with Kagura on top of him, engulfing him in a long squishy hug. I started busting out in laughter. "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY??!?" Kyo shouted and I held my stomach. "No, no! Of course not!" I said with another small laugh. "Kagura watch after him for me, will ya?" She squealed and saluted me as I left to make dinner. 

In the living room sat Shigure, watching the news. "Hey Shigure, what do you want for dinner?" He turned to me and pondered for a bit. "I'll save you the trouble of cooking, we'll just order in tonight." He smiled at me and went to go get the phone. 

A sudden breeze caught me off guard, and then I remembered the doors still needed to be fixed.

Putting all the pieces together wasn't as hard as the others always complained it was. I had gotten a bit of plaster glue on my shirt and face, but I was so close to being done. Standing up and wiping my hands on my pants, I went to get some water.  

"Hey Y/N... what are you doing?" The voice startled me. I looked up and saw Kyo leaning up against the door frame. "Oh, I'm just fixing the doors." He looked me over and then back at the porch where I'd been working. "Lemme help." He said while sitting down where I once had.

I came up behind him and watched as he carefully swiped glue onto the wood, piecing the cloth material back together. 

"You didn't have to do this y'know. Shigure would've had me do it soon enough." I smiled down at him and took a deep breath. "Yeah, but it was getting cold, and I just wanted to." He looked over at me and smiled. The air around us was silent, not awkward silence by any means. We both sat and simply took in each other's company. 

Kyo finished the last door and we carefully put them all back into place. The second we finished Shigure popped his head around the corner. "Hey, guys what's-" he paused, "Oh my! You two fixed the doors!" 

Kyo shrugged and looked over at me, "Don't look at me, Y/N did all the work." He rubbed the back of his neck and a rosy blush crossed his cheeks. I smiled at him and Shigure came up to me and gave me a pat on the head. "Great work!" He smiled down at me. 

As quickly as he came, he was gone, off to pick up the food he had ordered. 

"Thanks for your help!" I smiled at Kyo and he plopped down by the table. "Yeah, whatever." I looked at him fondly before leaning down and giving him a peck on the cheek. The small blush from before spread and deepened into a bright tomato-like red. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR??!" Kyo screeched. I giggled and walked off, "For all your hard work, you deserve a treat." I winked before shutting the door behind me. His muffled yells could be heard down the hallway. 

Yuki came down the stairs as I was headed up to my room. "What's all the shouting about?" He asked looking a little worried. "Nothing. Let's just say Kyo's a little more fiery than usual."


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