accidents happen // shigure sohma

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I was heading off to work, coffee in hand I was trying to find my phone in my purse. My rummaging was cut short by someone running into me, along with the hot liquid burning against my chest. The sudden contact made me jump and drop all my stuff in the process. "UGHHH!" I groaned loudly. 

"Look pal, I don't have time for this today. Maybe watch where you're goin next time." My words were much harsher than I would normally speak to a stranger, but not eating a real breakfast was definitely a contributing factor. 

"My oh my, look at the mess." I heard a voice say. 

Someone knelt down beside me and started helping me gather my things. I turned to look at this guy, and he was... wowza. Dark hair, nice eyes, and that jawline could cut me, I swear. 

He turned to me with a smile, trying to hand me my cell phone, "I really am sorry." My face became very hot, and I took the phone from him quickly. "It's whatever." I sighed and stood back up, looking down at my stained blouse. "Typical, the one day I choose to wear white." I chuckled dryly at myself and then realized there was another voice laughing too. It was him. 

"I'm so sorry, let me clean you up." He bowed slightly towards me. His voice was quite gentle, and he seemed like a nice guy. "I'm already running late for work, I couldn't possibly impose." I tried convincing him I would be fine, but to no avail, because the next thing I knew I was sitting in his living room, eating soba noodles and chatting.

He had brought me to his house and gave me one of his shirts to wear while mine was being cleaned. I learned his name was Shigure, he took care of three rambunctious teenagers, one of which was doing my laundry. 

"So Y/N, where do you work exactly?" Shigure asked as he set down his chopsticks. "I work for a publishing company downtown, Kitagawa Publishing." When those words left my mouth, the look on his face changed completely. The look of awe and wonder in his eyes was nice, but it also freaked me out a bit. "NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY!" Shigure exclaimed, scooting closer to me, still starstruck. "You know of the place?" I was a bit surprised he knew what I was talking about, it's big but not super glamourous or anything. "Why of course I know it! I'm a writer myself!" A proud smile replaced the once dopey one. Now, it was my turn to be impressed. 

"A writer? No way!" Sure, I was a publisher, but I'd never met an author like him before. He always seemed to have something new to tell me, to show me, I guess that's why I called into work 'sick' just so I could stay with him a while longer. 

"Yep! I've written a few masterpieces in my time. My editor is trying to get your company to publish my next novel." I had never smiled so widely. If I could get some sample work, I could pull him in for an interview. Of course, I'd accept him no matter what. "Well, I'm one of the head publishers... I'm sure I could pull some strings and work something out for you." His face was shocked, but he settled with a gentle smile. "You'd do that?" I giggled and nodded. "Mhm! I'll get your editor's contact information and let her know!" He stood abruptly after that comment, bowing multiple times. "THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Tears streamed down his face in a dramatic fashion, I stifled a laugh. 

The doors of the living room opened to reveal the girl from earlier, who I knew as Tohru. With a nicely folded shirt in her hands, she had the most adorable smile on her face. "Hello Miss L/N! I have your shirt, fresh and clean." She handed me the cloth, and it was sparkling! You would never guess that a whole cup of coffee once stained it. I gave her a small bow and headed upstairs to change. 

I was all set to leave. I entered the living room once more, "Thank you for your hospitality, I must be going now." Shigure's expression changed to a sadder one, but a smile on his face nonetheless. "I understand. It was a pleasure to have you." He bowed. I bowed as well. 

"Oh! You're leaving...? So soon?" It was Tohru. She watched from the kitchen with a puzzled look. "Yes, I have some work to attend to." I smiled at her, but as I turned to walk away... my stomach growled. Loudly. 

A wave of embarrassment flooded over me, I tried to brush it off and keep moving when someone cut me off. "You sound hungry. Why don't you stay for dinner?" Shigure's voice called with a hand outstretched towards me. My eyes darted from his hand to his face and back again. I took his hand and thanked him again for letting me stay. Tohru was certainly excited that I was staying and hurried back to the kitchen to start making dinner. 

About an hour passed before Tohru came in to tell us that dinner was ready. Shigure called out to the boys who had been up in their rooms all afternoon. "Kyo! Yuki! Dinner!" You could hear the footsteps come down the stairs and there stood the teens. "Oh, I didn't know we had a guest over." The one with grey hair said as he looked my way. "Y/N, this is Yuki. The other one is Kyo." I smiled and nodded my head at them. Kyo glanced my way as well. "Oh, hey." He greeted and took a seat next to Shigure. I did the same to him as I had to Yuki. 

Tohru placed food in front of each of us before sitting herself down. "Thank you for the food." We all said in unison. Tohru blushed and said her own thanks. 

Only minutes into eating Kyo piped up, "So who are you? What's your name?" I set my chopsticks down and swallowed the food I had in my mouth. "I'm Y/N L/N. Shigure and I had some trouble this morning, that's why I'm here." He nodded. I thought that was it until I heard his voice call out again, "Are you Shigure's girlfriend or something?" My face flushed, and it looked like Shigure choked on his food. Tohru let out a gasp, and Yuki sighed. 

"N-no! It's nothing like that! I just bumped into him this morning." I shook my head and hands at the boy and Shigure lightly flicked his forehead. "Stupid cat, don't ask such personal questions." Yuki mumbled and took another bite. 

Dinner ended, and it was later in the evening. I was at the front door putting on my shoes. Shigure waited next to me patiently. "Thank you for everything, once again." I smiled at him as I pulled my purse onto my shoulder. "It was no trouble, really. I'm so sorry about your shirt." He glanced at my clean shirt with a fond look. I giggled, and we just stood there in comfortable silence. 

"I hope we'll see each other again soon!" I called out as I made my way down the steps. "We'll have to go out sometime!" He called back with a wink and smile. I blushed, "For sure!" I waved goodbye and walked down the steps with an unusual pep.

I looked down at the paper with his and his editor's contact information. A small smile graced my lips, I was so excited to see him again. How could I not be? 


𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝘧𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘵  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now