memories // hatori sohma

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Everything was so wonderful... until it wasn't.


"HATORIII!~" she called as she swung the office door open. He sat at his desk, a small smile on his lips, when he caught her gaze.

"Hello." He said, smiling as he stood from his chair. Walking over to Y/N and placing both hands around her waist, "How are you this afternoon, my dear?"

She smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and rubbed his finger across gently. "I'm very well! I came to check up on you, always working so hard and all."

He chuckled and pulled her in for a hug, letting out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear." And suddenly, Hatori was engulfed in a cloud of smoke and transformed into a seahorse.

"AH- RIGHT!" Y/N panicked as she scooped him into her hands and rushed to the bathroom to draw a bath of water. She placed him in and peacefully watched as he swam in circles. Dipping her finger in, she dragged it along the surface and Hatori followed her around. Letting out a small giggle, she thought this transformation of his was pretty magical.


"Thank you." Hatori smiled as he finished buttoning up his shirt. "One day, I'll be able to hold you for more than a moment." He looked off into the distance, his mind wandering to a place where life was simpler.

"It's okay Tori," his heart softening at her nickname for him, "A single moment with you is worth a lifetime." She smiled and pulled him in, stuffing her face into his chest, and once again, Hatori was consumed in a cloud of smoke.

It was a never-ending cycle, but they never got tired of it. Until she did.


"YOU CANNOT KEEP BRINGING THIS WOMAN HERE!" Akito screamed, throwing her hands around in an angry fury.

"Akito- please-" Hatori begged, his arm held in front of Y/N to protect her. "NO!" she bellowed, her dark eyes ignited.

"I want you to erase her memories." She muttered, tossing her arm to the side. "Do it Hatori."

Hatori swallowed the lump in his throat, "Akito I-"

"Do it. Or she dies."

Y/N's eyes grew wide, and she held a hand to her mouth, her stomach churning at Akito's words. She turned and started to back out of the room slowly before sprinting out the door.

"Y/N!!" Hatori ran after her, leaving Akito standing there maniacally laughing to herself.

The clouds grew thick and water started cascading from the sky, dotting the pavement and starting to soak through the two's clothes.

"Y/N, please!" Hatori called, but the girl kept running until she eventually reached a pavilion. Grasping her knees, her hair sticking to her neck from the rain. Hatori caught up to her, him trying to calm her down.

"Y/N, listen, I know Akito said some things but I assure you it'll be alright-" He went to place a hand on her head but she quickly threw him away. "No!" she wept, her face pale and her eyes widened in fear and utter shock.

Hatori stood back, stunned at her current state. "Just- just leave me alone!" She couldn't control her emotions any longer. She was terrified of Akito, of the curse, and at that moment, Hatori.

She reached forward with a shaky hand and grabbed his hand with her own. Pulling his palm to her forehead, she leaned a bit to him, an exhausted expression on her face. "Please." She let out barely a whisper. "If you love me, you'll let me go." More whispers, tears falling slowly from her eyes.

"There has to be another way." Hatori said in a hushed tone. "I can't... I can't lose you too..."

She looked at him with a thoughtful smile, putting on an optimistic front to soothe his mind. It didn't work, but he felt it was sweet that she was still trying.

"I don't want to lose you, but I'm only going to cause you pain. And you deserve happiness. So please, do it for my sake."

Hatori sighed. His heart ached in a way he never thought possible. "Maybe we'll find each other again." She smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. "I love you Hatori."

"I love you, Y/N."

And in a flash, it was gone.

It all faded into a memory.


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