kissed // yuki sohma

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(REQUEST!) made by: kayla_cruz2019
i'm sorry it took so long! <3

"Yuki!" a girl called. Y/N ran up to the boy with a big smile plastered on her face. He turned around and instantly felt relieved to see her.

"Hello, angel." Yuki cooed as he took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it.

She giggled a bit before removing her hand from his grasp. "Oh gross! I feel like I'm becoming such a simp." She groaned and leaned her head on his shoulder. He chuckled and rubbed a loving hand over her hair. "It's alright, the feeling is mutual."

They both turned to look at one another, and it truly felt like they were the only two in the world. Yuki wondered to himself how he got so lucky. As Y/N wondered how she ever caught the eye of such a prestigious boy.

It's not that Y/N was a bad person, she just was misunderstood by the student body. That's probably why Tohru was so quick to befriend her. Along with Arisa and Saki, the four of them were very close.

When Tohru introduced Kyo and Yuki to the three of them, Y/N automatically caught his eye. Something about the way she was so bold and not to mention very pretty.

Besides their very apparent differences, the two had fallen in love and become somewhat of a power couple. They would walk around the school as "Prince and Princess". And every couple has haters, but Y/N was always quick to put them in their place.

Just like any other day, Y/N and Yuki were walking to the cafeteria. Others would say hello as they passed, and the two would kindly wave.

"I'm in the mood for soba." Y/N stated as they rounded the corner. "Oh yeah, that sounds gr-" Yuki was cut off by the sight he saw further down the hall.

One of their classmates, Rin Mako, was surrounded by a group of upperclassmen. These weren't your normal upperclassmen, they were a gang of bullies; who Y/N recognized from their many encounters.

Y/N scoffed, releasing her grip on Yuki's hand. He looked at her with a concerned look that soon faded when she placed a reassuring kiss on his cheek. With a smile, she stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets and walked over to the group.

"What're you gonna do four-eyes?"

"Just look at this loser. Nerdy, ugly, no wonder you're still a virgin."

"Leave me alone." Rin rolled his eyes as he hugged his books closer to his chest.

"Awww, but what if we like hanging out with ya? What then?" The leader, Zen, smirked as he grabbed a bundle of Rin's shirt fabric in his meaty hand.

Rin panicked to find the right words as he was hoisted up by his neck, Zen basically choking him with his own collar.

"SPEAK FOUR-EYES!" Zen growled.

Rin let out weak gasps for air, which made the other boys around him chuckle.


Zen turned his head to see Y/N standing there, a foot shorter than him.

He reluctantly dropped Rin when he realized who had called his name. "Scram!" He hissed at the boy before he scurried away.

"Thank you, Y/N!" He yelled just loud enough for her to hear.

She smiled and gave him a wave before refocusing on Zen. "How many times do I have to beat your ass before you stop picking on people?" She smirked, taking her hands out of her pocket, folding them into fists.

Zen looked her up and down, taking a step forward. "I just think you like me." He stated as he knelt down only inches away from her face.

Y/N pushed her palm into his face before walking away. She thought it was over until she felt someone smack her ass. She whipped around and saw Zen standing there with a big smirk, waving his hand in a friendly manner.

"Do you want to die?" She whispered as she walked back up to him.

"Oh, hello princess.~" Zen called, winking.

"Don't call me that. You know what you did."

"What ever are you talking about?"


A solid punch to the jaw sent Zen stumbling back, crashing through his friends and onto the floor.

Bystanders gasped and gawked as Zen tried to stand, stopped by her placing her foot on his chest. "Don't you EVER touch me again." She stated. Flipping her hair, she blew the newly formed crowd a kiss and walked away. This earned her applause from the students.

She found her way back to Yuki, who looked at her with a shocked expression. A small blush formed on his face when she came up to him, intertwining their hands once again.


Yuki opened the door, letting both himself and Y/N inside. They kicked off their shoes and hollered a greeting to let Shigure know they were home.

Taking Y/N's hand, Yuki pulled her up to his room.

"Yuki, what's with the rush?" Y/N giggled as they ran up the stairs, closing the door when they finally reached his room.

Yuki sat with Y/N on the bed, now holding both of her hands in his. "Y/N, what you did today was just incredible- I mean, you're always incredible! I admire you and your bravery. Honestly, I don't know if I could ever do that. But I just-"

Y/N stopped him with a quick kiss to the lips. "Thank you." She smiled. Yuki touched his fingers to his lips to process what had just happened.

He pushed Y/N's hair behind her ear, his hand trailing down to her jaw where it rested. "I love you, so so much." He said as he gazed into her eyes. She blushed a bit, and his thumb came to her lips. Wiping across her bottom lip, thinking about how soft it was.

Y/N reacted by kissing his thumb. Yuki chuckled softly before pulling her in, kissing her fully on the lips. 'They really are so soft.'

Y/N scooted closer to deepen the kiss. Everything heated up, Y/n's hands reaching for Yuki's face to bring him closer. She could smell his cologne, which made her hum into the kiss.

Yuki pulled her onto his lap, one of his hands on her back, the other on her thigh, tightly squeezing now and then.

They parted to catch their breath before Y/N smirked again, giggling as she placed another sloppy kiss onto his lips. This caused Yuki to hungrily kiss back, his tongue making the bold decision to go into her mouth. Y/N was visibly startled but soon enjoyed it as she also used her tongue.

Yuki let out a small moan as Y/N's fingers went to his hair and tugged slightly.

"Don't tell me you have a thing for hair pulling?" She chuckled.

Rolling his eyes, "Shut up." He said, pulling her back in again.

They lasted a few seconds more until they parted for real, resting their foreheads against each other. Both taking sharp breaths, sweating a bit.

Making eye contact, they both laughed a bit.

"I love you so much."


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