overprotective // hatsuharu sohma (2)

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~2 years later~

"Y/N!" I heard someone call my name. Turning around, I saw Momiji running towards me.

Opening my arms wide, I scooped him up and squeezed him tight. In an instinct, he turned into a fluffy yellow rabbit with the cutest little cottontail.

"Momiji, it's so good to see you!" I booped his nose, and it twitched in response.

"Aren't you so excited to start high school tomorrow?"

I sat down and placed him gently in my lap. "Yep! It's gonna be tons of fun!"

I brought Momiji inside and covered him in a blanket for when he changed back.

He sat right next to me on the ground as we watched the television.

Minutes into the next episode, Haru and Yuki came in the front door.

"We're home!" Yuki shouted, and then they appeared in the living room.

"Oh, Momiji you're here too." Haru observed as he sat down on the other side of Momiji.

"Oh yes!" Momiji cried, "I came to ask Y/N about school tomorrow! Aren't you thrilled as well, Haru?"

The boy let out a grunt, but a simple smile graced his face. "Yeah, it's gonna be pretty interesting." He stroked the bunny boy's ears gently.

"Y'know Momiji, you can't hug Y/N while we're at school." Yuki commented before sitting down with the rest of us.

His ears drooped at the words, and he buried his face into my leg.

I laughed lightly and rubbed in between his eyes with my index finger.

"I'm going to start on dinner!" I got up and went to the kitchen. When I did, I heard a faint poof, and the next thing I saw was Momiji scurrying off to the bathroom with the blanket draped around him.

'Haha... I love this home.'


"Goodbye Shigure!" I yelled from the front porch. Kyo and Yuki stood by my side as we walked to school together.

Walking through the front gates, I felt adrenaline coursing through my veins.

'Actual high school!' My thoughts were racing.

Kyo came up behind me and ruffled my hair. "Welcome to high school, shorty."

I swatted his hand away and quickly tried to fix my hair.

"Haru and Momiji should be here already." Yuki said as we all walked up the stairs.

I was in awe of the building itself and all the different people inside.


I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

I looked into the distance to see Haru and, of course, Momiji. A big smile shined across my face, and I waved at them.

We met in the hallway and Haru gave me a fist bump.

"I can't believe we're actually here! Isn't it magical?" Momiji beamed up at me. I placed a gentle hand on his cheek and squished it with my thumb. "It's pretty crazy, that's for sure." Haru said as he leaned against the wall.


The bell.

Haru, Momiji, and I said our goodbyes to Yuki and Kyo and we headed towards our classroom.

I slid the door open, and we were met with kids chatting, eating, and sleeping. The room was lively, and I exchanged glances with the two boys beside me.

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