Night In

491 5 4

Content warnings: profanity, mention of oral sex


I was back in the motel hallway. I was alone, but there were women's clothes covering the floor this time. I couldn't see very well, and I could sense him approaching me again. I turned around to face him.

"What the fuck do you want? Leave me alone."
He kept walking towards me with a yellow smile.

"Sir, stay back." I reached for my gun but it was gone again. "FBI. Stay back." I couldn't find my badge either. "Please." He was getting closer. "Stay back." Just before he reached out to touch me, the hallway became engulfed in white light, which was so bright I closed my eyes in pain.

When I slowly reopened them, I saw a white paneled ceiling above me. There was a blue curtain to the left of me. To the right, sat Dr. Reid, eating red Jello and quietly reading War & Peace.

I watched his fingers move down each page in a matter of seconds, and I was mesmerized by the perpetual movement. I was drugged up. I realized I should probably say something.

"How's Tolstoy the second time around, Reid?" I croaked. His head shot up, and his eyes examined mine. He stood up and carefully placed down his jello cup on top of the book.

"How are you? Are you hurt? Count backwards from 100 by increments of 7, please." I just smiled at him.

"Did you eat my Jello, Reid? What the hell?" I mocked betrayal to get him smiling. He gently leaned over the bed and hugged me.

"The rest of the team is at the motel. I'll text them to let them know you're awake." I reached out and stopped his hand from grabbing his phone.

"Or we could talk for a little while." He raised one eyebrow at me.

"Are you asking me to withhold information, Elle?"

"Maybe." I batted my eyelashes at him, and his eyes nervously darted back and forth. He leaned down and kissed me, not placing any weight on me.

"I do need to tell the team. You suffered significant blood loss since the bullet pierced your femoral artery, but since the medics arrived quickly they were able to get it under control. You were in surgery for 2 hours and 16 minutes, then subsequently unconscious for 3. I should call Garcia, she needs to know. Also-" I grabbed his hand again, grinning.

"Thank you, Reid. I am so lucky." He flashed a faint smile before vigorously messaging the rest of the team. He looked up from his phone and looked me in the eyes.

"It was the third time, actually." I looked at him confused. "For the Tolstoy." He beamed and then moved swiftly out of the room. "I'm getting you Jello."

I sat there and giggled, only slightly bothered from the wound. I sat in bed and watched the heart monitor pulse as I waited for Reid to return with Jello.

2 Weeks Later

I was ordered to remain at home for at least 3 weeks before returning to work, and at least a month before any work in the field. I had just showered and begun browsing my shelves for a DVD when my phone buzzed. I answered joyfully.

"How's my favorite PhD?" I twirled a piece of my hair between my index and middle fingers as I waited for him to respond. This had been our 7th phone call since I had been declared out of commission.


"That's rare."

"I watched your movie recommendation."


"How can you like something so depressing?" I chuckled, invigorated by his willingness to watch my favorite movie for me.

"Steel Magnolias is a classic, genius."

"I don't see the appeal in being sad." I paused for a moment, calculating my response.

"How about you come over and watch it again with my commentary? You might like it more."

"I have an eidetic memory. Why would I watch something again?" I scoffed.

"How about you just come over, then?" I anxiously awaited his response, biting my lower lip.

"Ok. 20 minutes."

"See you then." I hung up and scoured my apartment for any piles of clothes or high school photos. It was too early for him to see that. Just after looking for any incriminating magazines, I heard his precise and rhythmic knock.

tap tap t-tap tap!

"Come in, Reid." He came in, and ran his hands through the sides of his hair anxiously.

"'Come in, Reid'? Are you kidding me? I could have been a serial killer!"

"A serial killer that knocks like a 12-year-old?" I tilted my head and he smiled in defeat. I rose up on my toes to kiss him, and he welcomed it.

"You should lie down." I rolled my eyes.

"Always so careful. Look." I spun around grinning. "100 percent." He shook his head in disagreement. I gave him a small laugh.

He then quickly scooped me up in his arms, and my laugh grew louder while he kissed my neck between smiles. He slowly sat down on the couch with me in his lap. I stroked his chest and shoulders while he played with my hair.

I kissed him again, with more passion but maintaining the sweet mood. He returned the kiss, his hand on the back of my head still lightly holding my hair. I missed him. I shifted my knees to straddle him, at which point he pulled his head away from mine.

"Are you trying to have sex with me?" His voice increased in pitch at the end of the sentence, and I stared at him in delighted confusion.

"Um, yes, Doctor." I leaned down to kiss him again, but he dodged my advances. "What's wrong?"

"You're in no condition for that!" He gently lifted me again, laying my back on the couch with my legs elevated on his lap. I sat up instantly.

"You're kidding me."

"I never joke about safety." He raised his eyebrows at me and reached for the remote.

"Then what shall we do, then?" I slid the pitch of my voice on the word "shall," mocking him again.

"I can hold you while we watch this quantum physics documentary I've been meaning to catch." I kicked him lightly in the stomach. He batted my foot away, resting his hand on my ankles while he searched for the channel.

"Fine. Compromise. Quantum Physics and I give you head." His eyes shot over to me, wide and beguiled.

"No physical exertion!" I fell onto my back in defeat. Most guys would jump at that chance, minus the quantum physics. He guided me up next to him and put his arm around my shoulder. I watched his eyes perk up at something he read on the screen. "OK. One last proposal. We stay here, like this, and watch Dirty Dancing."

I looked up at him and grinned. Another one of my recommendations. "Ok, Dr. Reid. Thanks for caring about me." He stroked the top of my head while pressing play.

"Anytime, Agent."

Spencer Reid and Elle GreenawayWhere stories live. Discover now