Chapter 15

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You guys are going to hate me for this but it had to happen

3 month later (they are now back at Hogwarts)
Rose's POV

We have been at Hogwarts for 3 months and Draco seem a little


From everyone, including me

I am scared it's something I did or said.Besides the whole Draco situation me and Hermione have been hanging out more

Harry of course is hanging out with Ron all the time so I barely get to see or even say hi to him anymore of course try to talk to him but he simply pushes me away

me and harry celebrated our 16th birthday in July

it was actually quiet  fun...

specially with Draco....

Hermione and i headed to class, charms

She sat right next to me

I quickly grabbed my wand and spell book
After all my classes I decided to head to the black lake

It was already dark out, the beautiful reddish pink shy fading slightly as I walk closer to the lake

As my feet landed on the wooden dock I slowly walked on it trying to not wobble all over the place, do to my clumsy self

I finally got to the end of the dock

I took off my shoes and placed them next to me
Dipping my toes in the cold black water

My body slowly relaxing as my feet were fully in the water

I slowly grabbed a book,I then remember who gave me this is book,Cedric

He knew I loved reading

He gave me this book before the ball, of course we went with different people

We didn't want anyone knowing about us

Did he know I was Harry's twin, no

But I was going to tell him before he died

Of course I was a little bit later on that

I still have nightmares about him
The way Harry came back with his died body ,Cho Chang Cedric only fake dated her I don't know if he told her about us but it was like she knew

She said 'sorry for your lost' even tho I should be doing that her instead

Before Draco came to me I used to think about Cedric all the time

I still do and it haunts me till this day

The black lake is where we hang out in Secret

I heard footsteps in the black

My head look back to make sure no one was there but to my surprise,Harry

Was standing alone with a little bag walking towards me "hey rose"he said shyly

I looked back at the book in my lap "hi" I say quietly

The dock slightly lowering down as Harry sit next to me on my left side "so what are you doing here so late?" "I could ask you the same thing Harry" I said looking at the big lake and tree on the other side of the lake

"Well I came here to- uh we'll be here I guess?" He say not even sure him self "I always come here when I need to let go of something"I say think about Cedric again, this was our spot 

"Rose this there anything you need to me?" He say with a worried tone in his voice

I slowly shakes my head, harry slowly puts his arms around my cold body 

i didn't realize i was crying 


i woke up bright and early, today is Saturday  so we have no classes 

i am in the Gryffindor common room when i Draco walk in 

weird he ever go's into the Gryffindor common room 

i put the book i was reading beside me and walk towards Draco 

he looks side to side making sure no one was in the room "i need to tell you something" he says with a worried tone in his voice "can we go to your dorm?"i nod grabbing his arm pulling him to my dorm  

when i closed my door i look straight at Draco, i could tell that this news is going to break both of our hearts but i had to be brave 

he told me to sit down, and i do as he says "so what did you want to tell me?"i say looking into his icy eyes "i did something i regret"he says with guilt "oh"i say getting more nervous then usual "and i know  you are going to hate after i tell you what i did but i want you to know i ever meant for this to happen" he say walking back and forth with his arms flying all over the place 

he then looked at me "rose i am sorry"he say almost crying 'it's ok"i say getting up to hug him but he pushes me slightly back on bed "i-i -i cheated on-y-you"my face fall i could almost feel my heart break into pieces "what?" i say breathing heavily 

tears dropping on both of our cheeks "wh-why?"my hands shaking "i di-" "who?"i say wanting to yell scream the cold pain out "pansy.."he say quietly "pansy!" i wanted to punch  her so badly "did i do something to make you not want me anymore?"i say standing 

he shakes he head "why?" i realize i already ask that but i didn't care, i looked back at him "i hate you i should've listen to harry"i say with tears filling my eyes 

i started to head to the door but he grabbed my arm "let me go!i hate you i never want to see you again, i wish we never dated, i wish that ced-"i stoped right at Cedric's name "Cedric what?" he says 

i pull my arm away from him and started running down to the common room Ron and Hermione where there i could hear Hermione calling my name and Draco running after me i had to get away from my nightmare 

it was to much for me 

before you know it i was running to the forbidden forest i ran to my secret place 

i stoped looking at everything around me i  quickly grabbed a pice of cut up wood that was left on the ground and threw it at the ground repeatedly it all hit me all over again 

the pain of him cheating on me to Cedric everything 

i stoped i fell to the ground sobbing i whole it anymore my body shaking  because of the pain  

Draco's pov 

rose left the Gryffindor common "what happened"Hermione says "i fucking mess up!"i screamed i started  hitting the wall "stop it"Hermione yelled i started to cry 

why did i do that

why did i break her heart 

i knew it wouldn't get me anywhere in life so did i do it?... 


how do you feel? i am crying rn 

i am so sorry 

the next chapters are going to be sad so..                 

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