chapter 1

210 5 16

year 5  

I'm laughing with Hermione down the hallway when I noticed a pair of eyes on me but think nothing of it and continue passing by with my best friends arm rapped around mine. Later that night I place myself onto my bed looking at the ceiling, after a while i get up to check the time 7:58 reads the clock that hung right above the door. i get dress in my uniform i put my hair in a mess bun. And out the room to start my day of classes.

i hear Hermione's voice as I sat down across from her at the dining table "good morning" she says. today is first day of school, yesterday Dumbledore introduced a new teacher to Hogwarts named Umbridge i think. "ugh....i hate her so much all ready!" says harry. i didn't even notice he was there i look at him we don't look the same really, Hermione and Ron say i look like my mom but they have never met her only seen her in photos I have saved and tucked away from everyone.

i don't see it, but harry and i don't even look alike he has glass i don't he has the scar on his forehead i do have scar just not on forehead its on arm shaped like latter L

besides harry alway gets complements say he look like our father but has our mothers eyes, but i only get complements about how much i look like our mother. We are not really the same either like i like to read, be in my bed all day and not break 1,000 rules.

"Who" i say. Looking at my brother with confusion written across my face "Umbridge of course" laughed Ron from beside me. I rolled my eyes before grabbing a plate.


I finish all my class and headed to the library to study with Hermione. Walking down the aisles of books at the back of the library all the sudden i feel a hand on my wist pulling me into one of the aisles, just thinking it was Hermione I began to say "Hermione what are yo-" I turned towards to the person seeing that it was definitely not Hermione with the grey eyes glancing at me. "What the fuck is wrong with you" I say before pushing him away from me and headed to where Hermione was sitting "what took you so long rose" I just sat down pulling my homework out of my arms "sorry got distracted" she continues to look over the big heavy book she has got out in front of her.


later that night i was in the Gryffindor common Room laying down on one of the couches with harry and Ron and Hermione. "Ahoy Harry we should go to hogsmeade tomorrow" Ron asked Harry with a warm smile on his face "alright" replied Harry. I turn my head to mione giving her a 'time for shopping' look she grins and shakes her head.

The very next day after all our classes were done me and mione talked our way to hogsmeade getting ready to wonder into our favourite shop called Bells dime, in the window I could see a beautiful shiny blue dress in display on a mannequin "that's gorgeous" I say quietly besides my best friend. Her curls moves as she looks at me " you should try it on" I almost laughed at her words "me? No it would look either stunning on you I think" I say stepping closer to the door.

We both make our way into the warmed store and looked around at some jewelry and clothes "seriously you should try that dress on Hermione" I say to her. She finally gives in and asked the woman at the till if she could get that dress to try on, a few minutes later mione walks out of the change room looking pretty as ever in the dark blue dress "get it" I say without a thought.

"Rose" is all she says before glancing at her self in the mirror "actually" I smile at her words. Later on we both leave the store with smiles on our faces and bags in hand and very pleased with what we got.

Next morning I walk into potions class. today i think we are learning about the really powerful love potion i really don't remember the name. I find Hermione sitting at the back of the class with an empty sit beside her. "Hey" I say to her, I look at her noticing that is so focused on making sure she has everything she needs in this class.

Out of nowhere Snape walks in and asks if anyone bothered to smell the pot in front of him when everyone stayed quiet he looked around before looking at me and saying "Potter come up here" i when stood up and walked my way up to the black pot and leaned closer so i could smell "care to tell us what you smell, Potter?" Snape ask rudely so i say quietly "mhm...apples and... mint and cologne" i say last part coughing. Snape signals me to sit back down so i go back to Hermione. She gives me a smirk and then looks at me "what?" i as, worried that I might have gotten something on my face. "you smelled Malfoy" she reply laughing loudly, i almost wanted to laugh too but couldn't understand why she said I smelled Malfoy. Feeling three  of eyes on me all which are harry, Ron and Draco. Shit I say to myself, I hope he did not hear what Hermione said to me.

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