Chapter 6

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It's been weeks

it's now early December

i haven't really seen Draco other then in classes, he did try to talk to me a few times but luckily Hermione or Ron was always there to shut him up.

i already told Hermione about how i feel and Ron i am assuming she told him everything.

i am in my dorm room reading a book, when the door fly's open air blowing in my face a little, i see a tall blonde i don't have to even look up to guess who it is.

"what Draco?"i say a little rudely "pls lily why haven't you been talking to me?did i do something wrong?"he say awfully fast i feel a little bit of regret not talking to him, oh i miss his cold grey  eyes i realized that i zone out and see he is still waiting for answer "no you didn't do anything" i say

"it's actually a really dumb reason" i say moving a little on the bed so he could sit next to me, i motion him to sit next to me, i put my book down on my nightstand and grabbing a blanket

Draco then lay on my chest, i start to play with his hair a little bit "i don't know you weren't looking at me in the great hall and i guess i was jealous" i say still playing with his platinum blonde hair, i can now hear his breathing i then stop playing with Draco's hair "why did you stop?"he say confuse i was about to run out of  the room but Draco caught me in time and trows me on the bed gently he then starts to tickle me i burst out laughing

draco starts to tickle me and kiss me "STOP!i can't breath!"i say still laughing he then stops and sit next to me i then go over my record player and play Ophelia by Lumineers.

i walk over to Draco pull out my hand to motion him to get up, he does.

he spins me around for a bit then Sofia by Clairo play i pull him closer to me to the point we are almost breathing the same air.

i put my head on is shoulder while we spin a little Draco then puts his hands into my tiny one

i lift my head and look into his greyish blue eyes he looks into my blueish green eyes, my reddish brown hair falls down in front of my face i still hear the music play but it's more in the background now

Draco tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

i was about to kiss him when the door opens "hey rose i mea-"harry walks in i look at him, he realize that Draco is there and just walks out the room,me and Draco both look at each other and laugh a little "why did he call you rose?" Draco asked "oh mhm my real name is rose i just go by lily because people say i look like my mom"i say getting shy. "oh i like the name's suits you better in my opinion"Draco say i look at and kiss him on the lips

i look out the widow and see that it's snowing outside, oh it looks so beautiful i love the snow, the white so bright as you look at the snow.

i slowly walk to the widow and look out.

Draco comes and hugs me from the behind 'do you want to go outside?'i say practically already running out the door with my jacket i run out the door with Draco running behind me try to catch up with my running laughing, i see Ron and Hermione studying in the common room  i gave a little wave

as i was about to open the door Draco finally catches up and gabs me by the waist "not to fast rose"i stop and look at him"can i call you that?" he say i nod and turn to Hermione and wave at them i look at both Hermione and Ron, they both have surprised faces i just roll my eyes and walk to the door and walk out of the common room into the corridors

i wait 1 min for Draco

after waiting he finally walk out i grab his hand and we both smile at each other and continue walking.

as soon as we get to the finally outside i running out to the snow fall, feeling the cold air on my face.

i grab the cold snow and throw it at Draco "No you didn't!"he yells at me and starts to throws   snow at me i put my red brownish hair back in a ponytail

we end up just trowing snowball at each other

after about 5 min of throwing snow i lay down on the icy ground in a star position Draco does the same next to me

i look at the sky the snow falling on our faces, i feel Draco's icy cold fingers touch mine i finch a little when his cold hands are in mine

i sigh heavily, i then hear some voices i could tell Draco did too because he got up really fast, so fast that he fell on top of me he rolled over so i am on top "sorr-" he get cutoff when we her laughter i turn to see Hermione, Ron and Harry laughing and talking they all stop and look at me and Draco

i realize that i am still on top of Draco i quickly get up, so does draco i brush off the snow on my body i look at Draco and harry 'rose we should' "how do even know that's her name?"harry say a  little confuse Hermione and Ron look at each other the back at us, i for got they didn't know

i kind of just use to being called lily, so when i met new people i just introduced as lily

"i told him, harry and for you mione and Ron my birth name is rose but i go by lily because one its my middle name and two because people say i look like my mother" i say looking into Draco's eyes "will me and Ron will leave you two love birds alone" Hermione say walking way with Ron we just stand there in awkward silence

i brake the silence "Draco i am getting cold can we go inside?"i ask Draco turned and grabbed my tiny cold hands we start to walk toward to Hogwarts, i turn and see harry i let go of  Draco's hands and run to harry i hug him tightly and whisper 'thank you' i say pulling away and walking back to Draco

he hands me his hand i grab it and we walk a away from harry


as we open Draco's dorm door i trip a little "woah hey clumsy are you good?"Draco say i punch him a little "oh my god would you shut up?"i say laughing i have always been so clumsy

like one time i was in the great hall in the morning and i trip on a chair leg it was so in  embarrassing some of the professors thought i drunk that was really heard to convincing them that i wasn't.

i take of my jacket, shoe and sit on the edge of my bed.

i sigh and lay on my bed, Draco sits behind me he take of his shoe and jacket and lay next me i am facing away from him

he put an arm around my waist and pull me closer to him,as soon as I close my eye i drift off to sleep


I wake bright and early on Friday, yesterday was really nice, i see Draco laying fast a sleep next to me i stare at him for a while

I realize I had to get ready for class

So I started to gather up my things and leave,as I close the door I turn around to see Draco more time.

After I get ready for defence against the dark arts, ugh we have Umbridge I hate her so much!!

As I walk through the corridors to the class I feel someone hands on my shoulders I turn around to see who it's is "oh hey mione"I say as we walk to class "how are you?ros-i mean lil-" I cut her off

"Hermione your my best friend you can call me rose" I say assure her "ok"she say quietly

We are close to the class room I can see Draco waiting for someone at the door I wave at him he walks to towards us "hey where were you this morning?"he asked

"I need new clothes and I was going to get ready for classes" I say grabbing his hands as we walk through the door

I sit next to Draco and same Gryffindor I don't even know

Me and Draco talk for a bit before Umbridge
Walks in the classroom and make all the kids shut up...

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