Chapter 5

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It's now 1 month since Draco and I started dating, harry and i are in good terms now which is good because i hate it when we fight.

me and Draco are at the quidditch field laying on the grass looking at the stars Draco told me he was named after a constellation star i thought that was really cute.

he seems to really like stars and constellations

i feel his cold hands touch mine i close my eyes for a min breathing heavily

as i open my eyes again i don't see Draco anywhere, oh god where have he gone?i start to panic i feel like i aways do. i got up really fast and start to look around for him my panic start build up more and more i when in the hallway to see if he was there i came around a corner

Draco then jumps out and say "BOO!!!" i jump and back away from him "DRACO!what the bloody hell!" i yell i look into his blueish grey eyes.

~ if you uncomfortable with spicyskip this~

what Draco does shocks me, he pins me against the wall "sorry princess" he say with a smirk he then starts to kiss me on the lips i can feel his hands slid down to my thighs i tilt my head a little so i can deepen the kiss a little he raps my legs around his waist

his hands go back to my small waist, his lips go down to my neck i m0an in return i can till he liked it because i feel him smirk on my neck he kiss my lips again

we make out for a few mins.

he then pulls away from the kiss "want to go to my dorm?" he say without me answering he grabs my wrist and pull me to the Slytherins common room

i feel like he has done this with a few girls before, in my experience i haven't

should i tell him?i feel like that would ruin the moment we have right now, i should tell him, we make it to the Slytherin common room he is still pulling me from my wrist as we get to his dorm room his lest go of my wrist and sigh before opening the door, i walk in his room

I am to scared to tell him "Draco" I say very quietly I am sure he didn't hear me so I say it again "Draco" he comes closer to me "yes?" He say in Curiosity "mhm...." I pause to think of how to say it, why is it so hard to say it's really not

That bad " I never experience this before" I say looking away from his eyes embarrass.

[there no spicy anymore]

He doesn't say anything for while

"Mhm ok so what do you want to do then" he finally talks

I look at him Confuse "what do you mean?" I say, he walks lightly over the his bed and sit down "I don't know I don't want you to be uncomfortable" he says I look at him surprised

" I am not uncomfortable I just do think it's the right time right now" I say walk over to sit next to him " you sure?" He says Raising an eyebrow I hit him a little

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY" I say laugh,he lays down I put my head on his Chest hearing his heart beat and then I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wake up to some one shaking me lightly "wake up sleep head" Draco say as I open my eyes

"Hey" I say sitting up on the bed " good morning" I say a little grumpy I hate morning!

"Someone is not happy" Draco say teasing a little " shut up" I say folding my arms around my chest, he laughs he then starts to cuddle me

I love it when he laughs it really cute

Draco gets up to start the I get up decide weather to say or leave?

I go with leave because I need fresh new clothes for today "where do you think you're going?!' Draco say as I leave I stop and turn around to answer he as ask me

"I am going back to my dorm to get new clothes"
He just nod I am guessing that is yes I am free(🤚🏻stop🤚🏻Dobby is a free elf)
To go so I just walk away and head to my common room

~a few hours later~

After I changed I went to the great hall I saw Draco at the Slytherin table,so I walked over and sat next to Draco, Draco on my right then pansy on my left side.

Me and pansy don't really talk, but I mean I could see a little bit of niceness in her.

I look at Draco a few times but he doesn't look back I am tempted to just walk away and sit at the Gryffindor table

I was just sitting there in silence him just talking to his friends

I mean nice because I don't want him to hang out with me and then hate me later on

So I get up a little mad I decided to not go to the Gryffindor table I just walked out of there

I think Draco noticed but didn't bother to get up or did see him get up

I then hear someone call my name my actual name (I will explain later) only one person know that my name isn't actually lily I only

Go by that because a lot of people say I look and my have a personally like my mother

I obvious have never met her nor my dad

I turn around and see Harry running to me "lily"he say out of breath

"What?"I say back looking away "what's wrong?did something happen between you and Malfoy?" Harry ask I shake my head "then why did yo-" I cut him of

" because I feel like I did something wrong he won't even look at me!" I say almost yelling

"I am sorry I have to go" I say walking away

To head to my dorm room I don't know why I feel is way I just do.

It's been weeks now


So I don't know what Harry's sister name should be,her nickname is lily because people say she looks like her mom and stuff go comment what you think it should be

Thanks for reading,love LR

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