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Year 3

I am walking off the train with Hermione,Ron and my brother,Harry. With bags in hand as I start to walk way from the red train i see a tall boy with blond hair, that's when i realize that it is Draco Malfoy. He has gotten much taller and attractive than the last time i saw him, Great just when you hate someone the next thing you need is for them to get much more attractive. I been to slow down on my tracks just to look at him. Ron and harry were far ahead to notice. But Hermione stops and looks at me "Come on Rose we don't want to be late, Now do we?" she whispered to me "sorry" I reply. I flashed my eyes back to Draco for a split second before I realized he was staring in my direction and our eyes meet but i quickly look away and started to feel butterflies in my stomach.

I start to walk again with Hermione "Rose,who are you looking at?" "Let's just catch up to Ron and harry" i say ignoring her question. Hermione and i make our way to the great hall, trying to find out sits next to harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table.

After eating Hermione and I headed back to our dorm rooms. Luckily this year her and I are roommates. unpacking my stuff onto my bed as I organize it around the room, after a while I sat on my bed and pull  a book out to read but before i can even wonder my eyes to the page Hermione began to talk "goodnight, rose" "your going to bed at 7?" I say back putting the book down.
"I mean I'm finished unpacking and it's already close to lights out" she says quietly from across the room with her red blanket covering her whole body but her face.  "Wanna go find Harry and Ron?" She shakes her head so I slide off my bed and make it half way through to the door before say "goodnight" to her.

Getting into bed my eyes quickly shut closed and i found myself falling asleep.

The next morning i get up from my bed and get dress i go see if Hermione is up, her empty bed says she is definitely not sleeping.

i put my hair down and brash my teeth. Nearly half way into changing into my uniform I realized what time it was. And quickly left the room to go to Hagrid's class today. Rushing down the long steps down to hagrid's hut i accidentally bump into someone "i am so sorry" i say "watch where your going you fil-" his voice gets cut of mid way by a familiar voice "hey! shut up Malfoy!" say harry, ugh not this again. Thankfully Hagrid interrupts and began to start the class by asking us to follow him into the forest.

Then Hagrid comes and shows us this animal so call hippogriffs named buckbeak  "a hippogriffs are very interesting creature but can be easily offend, you don't want to offend hippogriffs it might be the  last thing you will ever do" Hagrid says everyone jut stand there in fear.

Hagrid ask anyone if they would like to pet buckbeak without realizing what he was saying everyone stepped back before I could do the same leaving me and Harry in front of everyone "great, now you want to walk to it very slow and then bow down and if it bow back you can pet it" harry steps forward first and does the thing Hagrid ask him to do then it was my turn so i do the same.

then hagrid puts harry and i on buckbeak's back and the next thing you know we are in the air flying. after all my class i sit in bed reading, feeling the cold air in the room on my face, breathing.

history of magic {D.M} (editing)Where stories live. Discover now