Chapter 49

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The next week flew by, I barely even remember coming back home or reuniting with everybody.

The villagers celebrated like there was no tomorrow, we were taken back to our village within a few days and they were all ecstatic. They partied for days eating everything and doing anything possible.

A few days after I returned I received a call from Vadim bhai telling me everything has been settled.

Haider Ahmed has been put in international jail for life and the Indian prime minister has been given UN sanctions. I'm happy with this, finally we're going to be able to live free again.

Ziraar bhai had surprised me the most though, to my utter surprise he was the happiest man in the world, my brother is getting married. I couldn't believe it and then when he told me who I was in absolute shock.


Ziraar and Amina.

Their wedding is tomorrow and I'm over the moon for them but I can't even get out of my home never mind socialise. Since I came home I've locked myself in my room.

I was attempting to hide my growing stomach from everybody but it was too obvious, the older women in this village can see it. Apparently I'm glowing but I don't feel that way.

Thankfully everybody finding out provided me with a way out of all the celebrations. I convinced them all I wasn't feeling well.

A few even asked about Vladimir and I told them he's busy. He's busy going through court in Russia. I tried to ask Vadim how everything was going but he refused to speak about Vladimir, I think he's just as mad at him as I am.

" puthar foods ready" mum mumbled pulling me away from my destructive thoughts.

Slipping out of bed I gently lifted Khawlah from her cot, she needs to eat food. I cannot explain how lost I was without her, she's the only reason I'm still partially functioning right now.

"Come here my baby"

Once outside I laid on the Khatt (bed) and placed her on my chest. I don't feel hungry at all, I haven't for the past few days as well.

Mum tried to make me eat again but I couldn't even have a bite, even the smell of food has started to make me feel severely nauseous. Dad only let me leave the table when I promised him I'd eat before I went to bed.

Hours past by very slowly, I fed Khawlah and then mum put her to bed. I didn't have it in me to go inside so I decided to sleep outside for the night, the cool breeze will hopefully help me knock out.

As the sun started to set Amina skipped into the garden excitedly, beautiful henna patterns staining her hands and feet.

"Inaya my wedding is tomorrow days I need to do your mendhi" she said happily grabbing my hand, I rolled my eyes with a smile, this girl will not allow me to say no.

A few minutes passed by in silence until she stopped her work and glanced up at me, her eyes conveying concern.

"What's wrong" she asked slapping her hands on her knees, quickly shrugging my shoulders I turned towards the beautiful view. I can't afford to even think about him, it'll just hurt me further.

"Nothing, I'm just tired" I lied through my teeth, she doesn't look convinced though.

"Really" she prodded, I need to distract her.

"Promise, now tell me about how you and Ziraar bhai fell in love" I cooed pinching her cheek, she immediately blushed. Perfect. Amina glanced down at my hand shyly.

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