Chapter 20

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Enjoy babiesssss

Gently placing her wet body onto the towel I headed to the room, we have no clothes, she'll just have to wear old ones till I can get to someone's house.

Just as I placed her on the bed Vladimir entered the room, he stood with his hands in his pockets.

Ignore him.

Wiping her body dry, I put her back in her old clothes. I need to give her to mum and dad so she can be safe, this won't work.

Glancing over my shoulder I noticed he was still staring, his brown eyes focused on me. Let's get this over with.

" can I take her to my parents so I can work" I asked timidly, more like come up with a plan but yeh.

"Follow me" he ordered walking out of the room confidently, well ok?

Picking Khawlah up I quickly followed him. Vladimir left the gate and strode onto the main road, the villagers glanced our way but quickly looked back down when he glared.

He walks down the streets like he owns them. His hands tucked into his pockets as he confidently stalked down the dirt path.

We ended up outside my home, he pushed the gate opened and entered I ran past him towards the sitting area.

Mum and dad were stood glancing over the balcony, looking for someone or something.

"Ama, aba" I mumbled quickly, they're heads turned so fast I jumped.

" where did you go!" Dad whisper yelled pulling me into a hug, he was about to pull away when he realised I had someone in my arms.

Mum gently lifted her from my arms smiling like a Cheshire Cat.
" who's baby is this" she asked.

"Inaya" turning around I noticed Vladimir approaching us. I fully forgot he was there.

"Send your mother and the child inside" he ordered, ya Allah.

"I'll tell you later guys, ama aba go inside" I ushered pushing them both towards the door.

" I said your mother not your father"

Dad stopped, his form slightly shaken but he attempted to look strong. He pushed mum to go inside which she reluctantly did.

" why, what happened" I asked confused.

A small smirk took over his lips, oh now what is he planning, my heart dropped as he motioned for dad to come to him.

Dad hesitantly headed his way but I was quick to jump in front
" no aba don't" I mumbled pushing him behind me.

Vladimir stayed stoic, almost as if he expected me to do this.

" if you don't move out of the way I'll massacre your whole family"

" what are you going to do to him?!" 

" puthar stop it, Let me be your aba" he pushed me out of the way and confidently stood in front of Vladimir. No no no.

I cant let this happen. Vladimir took his hands out of his pocket and reached behind him. My heart beat accelerated beyond belief. He pulled out his gun! His gun!

"Vladimir!" I yelled in shock, Allah please.

" not another word detka" he spoke pointing it straight at dad.

My whole world stopped instantly, he's going to kill dad.

" I'll do anything please! Please" I yelled gripping his shirt tightly, Vladimir chuckled before snatching my arm away.

" should have thought about that before running away"

" PLEASE VLADIMIR PLEASE"I begged reaching for him again, he instantly clocked the gun, his face stoic and unemotional.

"You crossed the fucking line Inaya, crossed it!" He seethed, no no no what did I do. Tears ran down my cheeks as I attempted to move forward but he wouldn't allow me to. His icy cold glare showed me he isn't bluffing.

He's going to hurt dad.

" I'll do anything Vladimir please" I mumbled once again placing my hands on his. His glare remained hard.

" what would you give me that I can't take from you anyway" he spoke in fury, his forehead vein almost bursting from his head.

No I can't let him do this, he can do anything to me but not them.
" but"

" my detka there's no fucking buts, today someone dies"

" kill me!"

"INAYA!" Dad yelled sadness and anger floating threw his words, I don't care, no one but me is going to pay for what I've done. Slight confidence took over my body, no more.

I was about to grab the gun and point it at me when Ivanov ran into the garden, his hair dishevelled as a panicked look took over his features.

"Boss!" Vladimir turned around instantly, his body becoming tense.

" they've come early"

" who?" I asked immediately, who would make him panic.

Ivanov was about to answer me when Vladimir stopped him, he turned my way and grabbed my chin, forcefully  pushing my lips into a pout.

" this is going to be fucking fun" a sinister smirk took over his lips, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

" who's coming" I mumbled, it came out almost inaudible due to the way he was holding me.

" the Ravens" he spoke confidently, WHAT. They said we had time, Allah they're going to kill us all. Panic surged through my body.

The Ravens will murder everyone just like they did in Khumbar and Hayah.

Vladimir let go of my chin harshly
"Your leaving, but you still haven't taken all the oil" I stumbled attempting to keep them here. They're better than the Ravens, they're going to kill everyone.

Vladimir smirked once again.
" we've sorted that out, get the car ready Ivanov, I'm out of this hell hole"

No, please no. I couldn't move the entirety of the situation finally settling in.

They're gonna kill us all just like they did to the other villages. I saved Khawlah just to put her in danger again.

I watched as Vladimir stalked towards the main road calmly, like he had everything sorted out. I know he's a bad man but he can't be this evil, there has to be a bit of humanity in him somewhere.

Pushing my frozen body forward I ran towards him, dad attempted to stop me but I kept on going.

Ivanov was slowly following Vladimir his head held low, I can tell his conscious is getting to him.

"Ivanov please, they're going to kill everyone" I cried out running in front of him, he looked down guiltily. No Allah no!

I stopped, my whole body felt as though it was ready to shut down.

Ivanov passed by me and entered the car a few metres ahead.
Vladimir was already in the car, his men in cars behind him ready to leave. Leave us for dead.

Vladimir glanced over at me one last time, his unemotional eyes portraying nothing but contempt.

Suddenly anger burned through my soul. I can protect everyone, these people are cowards and I don't need them. I'll do it all myself!

" your all cowards! Cowards! I don't need you!" I yelled at the approaching vehicles, Vladimir's slowed down right beside me. He leaned out of the door-less car.

His heated gaze making me feel a little less confident.

" go ahead, they'll be here in" he glanced at his watch before looking back at me amused " 30 minutes, see you in hell detka"

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