~TW: Thanos' Ugly Ass~
Scott helped me move the pieces out of the way. Once we got to a stable ground we looked around us and when I realized what it was my heart dropped. There he sat. In the middle of the burning field. Was Thanos.
"Dad, how is that possible?" I gasped.
"He got through our time machine." He explained. "Someone wasn't on our side"
Thor and Tony went after him. Tony got thrown down. Thor went after Thanos with his hammer. But Thanos knocked him down. Thor reached out and the Stormbreaker came to him. When he tried to catch is Thanos grabbed it and shoved it at Thor's chest. I looked towards my father. He was concentrating on something. I looked closer and he was trying to summon Thor's Hammer.
"No way." I whispered.
The hammer started to come off the ground. And it flew straight to my dad and he caught it.
"I knew it!" I heard Thor yell.
I watched my dad take on Thanos. My mom came around him and shot her Widow's Bites at Thanos. I decided I should help my family. I ran up and started firing the gun I stole from Buck. Thanos knocked me down. I stayed down. My mom rushed over to me.
"Ava! You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah!" I replied. "Ashley, give him a good ass kicking!"
Ashley ran up and used mind manipulation on Thanos. Thanos broke out of it and knocked her over. My dad was the only one standing. But, Thanos hit him hard. Sending my dad flying backwards. My dad stood up, strapped his shield to his arm. When suddenly he got distracted by something. He turned to his left and a portal was opening up. I looked at my mom confused. When I saw Sam fly through the portal.
"Yes!" I yelled.
The portal continued to widen. And I saw T'challa and the Wakandan people come through. I started to get excited. It hit me that Bruce's snap worked. More portals started opening. I was looking all over for him. My Bucky. I saw Dr. Strange come through a portal with the Spidey Kid and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Then I saw him. Walking towards the field with his gun. I stood up so fast to run but I stopped myself. We had to defeat Thanos first. I couldn't get myself distracted. I stood up. And marched in the line with the others. My gun in hand. We all came to a stop.
"Avengers!" My dad yelled across the field, "Assemble."
We ran at our enemy. Thanos unleashed the creatures from before. They were coming at me. I looked back and made eye contact with Bucky. I thought I might show off my new powers. I reached down to the dirt and ripped the ground up under the creatures. They all fell into the hole I created. I then looked to Thor and nodded to tell him what to do. He created a huge lightning bolt and I brought up a tree from the opposite side of the field and we hit Thanos with it all. I pulled my gun out of my back strap and started firing. I turned to see the Spidey Kid running with the gauntlet. Thanos' army was after him. I started running towards the kid. When I saw him fall over. Ashley and my girls followed me to the kid. I saw Captain Marvel there.
"Hey kid." She said to him.
He took his mask off.
"I'm Peter, Peter Parker." He replied.
"Hey Peter Parker," She smiled. "You got something for me?"
He looked concerned.
"We got this don't worry." She told him.
All of the women of our team started forming a group. Ashley and I motioned to our girls to join them. We joined the women and we kicked ass. I was fighting and then something happened and I realized Thanos had the gauntlet. I looked for where he was and then ran towards him. Until I saw Tony on the ground in front of Thanos. Thanos tried to snap his fingers.
"I am Inevitable" Thanos smirked.
He was confused when the snap didn't work.
I looked at Tony to see the stones in the hand of his suit.
"And I am Ironman" Tony snapped.
All of Thanos' Army started to dissolve. Like our team had before. They all vanished. And so did Thanos. I got so excited I didn't realize I was making the ground shake. Then it hit me. Bucky was alive. I started looking for him. I saw the glimpse of his metal arm. And I ran as fast as I ever have before. He saw me and opened his arms. I jumped into them so fast I never wanted to leave them. I started crying into his chest.
"Hey doll. It's okay I'm here now" He told me.
"I missed you so much." I sobbed into his shirt.
I heard Peter crying. I turned to look and saw him hugging Tony. Pepper was comforting Peter. I ran over to them.
"Uncle Tony?" I cried.
"He's gone already Ava." Pepper told me.
I cried. Buck came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
"Shhhh It's okay Ava." He whispered.
I buried my face into his chest and stayed there for a few minutes enjoying his touch.
"You wanna go home?" He asked me.
I nodded. We walked to one of the Jets in the field and left for Wakanda. Buck called T'challa and had them open the barrier for us. We landed and went straight home. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I texted Ashley and told her I was going to talk to Buck about starting our own family. Now that everything was over.
"Hey Buck?" I started. "Could we talk about something?"
"I actually was going to talk with you too"He said nervously.
"Okay you go first." I told him.
"What do you think about," He started, "Maybe trying for a baby?"
My face lit up.
"That was actually what I wanted to talk to you about." I smiled.
"I was going to ask the same thing to you" I giggled.
"Well what are we waiting for then?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said.

Ava Barnes
FanfictionThis story is going to be written in the point of views of: Ava Barnes and James Buchanan Barnes(Bucky). This background will be based off of the group chat member Thrinety's Desired Reality. Written by Thrinety herself! Enjoy!