This story is going to be written in the point of views of: Ava Barnes and James Buchanan Barnes(Bucky). This background will be based off of the group chat member Thrinety's Desired Reality. Written by Thrinety herself!
Buck and I walked around some more. When T'challa approached us.
"Hello friends." He said to us.
"Your majesty" I curtsied.
"Please, you may call me T'challa." He replied. "We have set up a living space for you two. Out by the edge of town."
Buck squeezed my hand.
"If you follow that path," T'challa pointed, "It will take you straight there."
"Thank you." Buck replied.
"Good luck Mr. Barnes" T'challa winked.
Buck took my hand and we started on the path.
"What was that all about." I asked him.
"Oh nothing." He smirked. "Just a little surprise."
As the path started to end, little lights scattered the edges of the path. I got curious. We continued and as we approached our hut. I saw Ashley standing in front of the door way.
"Ashley!" Buck said and ran to give her a hug.
"Hey guys!" Ashley exclaimed.
Buck looked at me. And then whispered into Ashley's ear. Her face lit up and she looked at me.
"Oh. I see." She smiled.
"Shhh Ash!" Buck told her.
"OK sorry." She laughed.
I walked over to Buck and took his hand.
"What's going on Buck?" I asked.
"Come with me Ava." He whispered.
Buck tugged on my hand and put his hands over my eyes. He started to pull me somewhere.
"Buck where are you taking me?" I asked.
"It's a surprise silly." He chuckled.
I heard small whispers and people breathing.
"I'm going to remove my hands. Don't peak." Bucky told me.
"Okay." I giggled.
I felt his hands come off my eyes. I felt him take my hands in his. But he seemed to be kneeling.
"You ready?" Buck asked.
"Yes?" I responded confused.
"Alright open your eyes." He whispered.
I slowly opened my eyes. When I looked around me there were little lights strung up between the trees. I kept looking around and gasped when I noticed who the people were.
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"Mom! Dad!" I exclaimed.
"Ava." Buck whispered.
I looked to where his voice was coming from and gasped louder. Bucky was on one knee. With a velvet box which held a ring. I lifted my hands to my face to hide the blushing.
"Ava Marie Romanoff," Buck started, "I know it hasn't been long, but I am completely in love with you."
Tears started welling in my eyes.
"Will you marry me?" He whispered.
Tears starting streaming down my face.
"Yes!" I smiled. "A thousand times yes."
Bucky smiled ear to ear. He stood up and wrapped me in a hug. He pulled away and placed the ring on my finger. I leaned in and kissed him.
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"By the way I did ask your father first." He chuckled and looked at my dad.
"Probably was a smart idea." I giggled.
My parents ran to me and hugged me.
"I'm so proud of you sweetheart." My mom told me.
"Hey Buck," My dad grinned. "You take care of my daughter."
"I will Captain" Buck saluted to my dad.
I laughed.
"Ava!" I heard Ashley call.
"Ashley! Hi!" I ran to her.
She embraced me in a long hug.
"I'm so happy for you guys." She told me. "You and I are going to be amazing friends!"