Moving Away

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Hours and hours go by. I started to get worried. Until I heard me father's car pull in. I rushed down the stairs and heard my dad yelling. James was groaning and sounded like he was hurt.

"Dad! What happened?" I started as I saw them.

"Tony. He found out something about Buck." My father winced.

He was holding James up so he wouldn't fall over. I ran to help him. I didn't realize what was wrong with James until I came closer to them. His metal arm was gone. Taken off at the shoulder.

"James!" I exclaimed.

"Hey doll." He replied wincing.

"My god what happened?" I said.

"I did something horrible many years ago." He started. "It's finally catching up to me."

"Ava, Nat. We have to move. Somewhere safer." My dad explained.

"Where will we go?" My mother asked.

"An old safe house in Scotland. We will be safe there." He replied.

"Should we all go together or split up so they can't find us?" My mother asked concerned.

"Well, I was thinking you and I could go to Scotland" My father told my mother.

"And Buck and Ava?" She questioned.

"King T'challa asked if they would like to stay in Wakanda with him." My dad told us.

I looked at James.

"They think they can help bring back they memories and remove everything Hydra put in me." James explained to me.

I smiled at him.

"When would we leave?" I asked.

"Now." My father replied.

"Go pack your things Ava." My mom told me.

I ran up the stairs to my room. I grabbed a large backpack and packed a few things I'd need. My suit, a few weapons. My father mentioned that T'challa would have clothes for us there. I ran back down the stairs. I was almost to the last step when I tripped and started to fall. I felt someone grab my waist and pull me back up. I looked up to see James. He used his flesh arm to pull me up. I was impressed he did seeming how that is all he had.

"Woah there doll." James said. "Don't break yourself before we can get there."

I laughed.

We went outside. There was the quinjet. And a Wakandan aircraft in our backyard. I glanced at my parents.

"Will you guys be okay?" I asked them.

"Yes Ava. We will be okay." My mother responded.

They walked towards me and gave me a hug.

"We love you Ava. We will be back soon." My father told me.

My dad looked to James.

"You take care of my girl Buck" He demanded.

James saluted to my dad.

"Will do Captain." James chuckled.

James took my hand and we walked towards our Aircraft.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm ready" I smiled.

Once inside the Aircraft. King T'challa sat in the pilot's seat.

"Hello friends." He said to us.

"Your majesty." I curtsied.  

"Ms. Ava, Mr. Barnes. You ready to go?" T'challa asked. 

"We're more than ready." I smiled and looked at James.

T'challa took off and we were on our way to Wakanda.

Ava BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now