Chapter Twenty-One:Thanksgiving

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Hey guys what's up?Guess who's joining softball this gal right here!What's your favorite sport?


Stiles woke with Derek by his side breathing softly on Stiles' neck.He smiled the early morning sun warming his guest room.He poked Derek's side and watched for a response.

Derek turned,still sleeping his body arm and leg wrapped around Stiles.The house was completely silent,nobody was awake just yet.Stiles checked the alarm clock by his bed,it read 6:57 AM.

Stiles sighed and stared up at the ceiling.His father would be home soon maybe by the end of the month and he honestly couldn't wait he missed his father.He missed his home and how the little things reminded him of his mother or father,he liked seeing their old wedding photos and baby pictures of himself in his parents arms.

He turned his head to look at Derek and smiled softly.He also never wanted to go back,when he has nightmares there's nobody to comfort him the way Derek does.When he's down his dad can't make him happy like Derek does,and he doesn't want to leave if that means being away from Derek.

Derek stirred in his sleep groaning quietly under his breath.Stiles ran his long fingers through Derek's raven hair,it felt silky under his touch.Derek cuddled closer to Stiles enjoying his touch.

Stiles stopped to check the time when he heard a soft whine come from his sleeping boyfriend.He turned to see Derek frowning with his eyes shut.

"Dont stop."Derek murmured putting his head closer to Stiles.

Stiles chuckled quietly and started playing with Derek's hair again.Derek hummed almost like a cat,he relaxed his body against Stiles.Stiles smiled to himself and kissed Derek's forehead,he lived for moments like this.

"time?"Derek grunted.

"Time for you to get up."Stiles joked gaining a soft smack from Derek.

"Seriously."Derek murmured.

"Seven something."Stiles wrapped his arm around Derek tighter.

Derek sighed and brought the blanket higher onto their bodies.Stiles watched him smiling fondly at him.Derek's eyes fluttered open his hazel eyes had small gold flakes within them.

Stiles pecked Derek's lips gently and grinned.Derek smiled satisfied with his good morning kiss.Derek brought Stiles back for a second kiss,he didn't care much for morning breath.

A sharp knock on the door scared both the boys,they jumped at the abrupt sound.They both stared at the door for a couple of seconds until someone knocked again this time a bit harder.

"Yeah?"Stiles called out his voice deeper then usually because he just barely woke up.

"Stiles its me,is Derek in there?"Talia questioned and both boys visibly relaxed.

"Yeah come in."They detangled from one another and sat up blankets still covering them.

Talia stepped into the room hesitantly,a small smile on her face.She shut the door behind her and sat on the edge of the bed.She wrapped her robe around her body tightly and looked at her son and his boyfriend.

"Is anyone else awake?"Derek questioned watching his mother carefully.

"No I just woke up,we have to start getting ready for thanksgiving."She sighed and grimanced."The whole family is coming."

"Everyone?"Derek's eyes and widened.

"Yeah from your father's side and from my side."She frowned.

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