Chapter Twelve:Halloween

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Ayyyyyyy I'm so indecisive about my future and it's like about to be oh it's two in the morning, I want to be a writer, actress, dancer, artist, cheerleader, musician, or FBI agent. Do you see my problem?


"Derek you better have your costume on!"Derek groaned loudly,his sister wouldn't let him stay home tonight.First she planned to take their younger siblings trick or treating and then they would go to a Halloween party.And all the while Derek would have to be wearing a stupid superman getup.

He checked himself in the mirror one last time,the costume was practically all tights.They hugged every muscle on his body,his black hair and light skin complex helped him look more the part.He teased his hair and the grabbed his phone from his desk,he walked out his room swiftly and made his way downstairs.

He could hear his family below him talking loudly and chatting excitedly.He was absolutely dreading their reaction,they'd tease and laugh for sure especially Laura. He trudged down the steps and peeked into the living room. They were oblivious to the fact that he was standing there and he was glade.

Laura was dressed as a fairy, Derek hated fairys especially the real ones. Her hair was twisted into a perfect French braid and small white flowers were wedge in her silky black locks for effect. She had fake flower vines wrapped around her arms and legs, and her light purple dressed contrasted with her perfect tan skin.

His brother Daniel and his fiancee Amanda were the Flintstones. Derek rolled his eyes how corny were they. His parents dressed as homer and Marg Simpson. He also wanted to snort at their costumes to but resisted the urge.

Cora was an angel which in Derek's opinion did not suit her one bit because she was in fact the devil. Her angel wings were big and white with grey around the edges, she had a small halo above her head. Her smooth raven hair fell all the way to her lower back, the white dress she wore stopped at her knees. Her arms sleeves had been laced along with the chest area of her dress but there was white underneath the chest so no one would see a thing.

Cute little Clara was dressed as thor, she insisted she wanted to be a superhero just not wonder woman. Derek smiled she looked cute with her small hammer and armor on. He was glade his mother didn't force her to be something she's not and glade that his baby sister spoke her mind about not wanting to be a princess.

Dustin was a gangster, was Derek suppose to be surprised. If so he wasn't. The suit his brother wore was fitted and a dark navy blue, he wore a white button up under his suit coat that was unbuttoned at the very top. He had on an old timey hat and his shoes had been shined. And Derek couldn't help but roll his eyes as Dustin placed an unlit cigar in his mouth.

Lastly was Dmitri who was a scientist, his brown hair slicked back and his goggles on his head. He had a white over coat and under that he wore black slacks and a yellow button shirt. His shoes were shined also probably by Dustin. The younger boy looked so serious surrounded by his family, but Derek knew what it was like to be different.

Derek watched as Dmitri stood besides His mother quietly studying his surroundings. Dmitri's eyes wondered towards Derek but he stood quiet, Derek placed a finger on his lips to signal Dmitri to not day anything about him standing there. Dmitri only nodded and started looking around again.

Derek felt a small poke to his back and jumped, he twirled around to see Stiles grinning at him happily. Stiles of course was dressed as Batman. Derek chuckled quietly and Stiles continued to grin.

"Nice outfit."Stiles whispered in Derek's ear and Derek blushed wildly.

"Same goes to you."Derek mumbled and Stiles snickered.

He wrapped his arms around Derek's waist and kissed him tenderly. Derek's eyes fluttered shut and he rested his arms on Stiles' shoulders. Stiles kissed him for a while longer enjoying the sensation of their lips together.

Just as they were about to pull away Derek heard a small gasp. They both stopped and saw Dmitri standing there still shocked. Derek unwrapped himself from Stiles abd placed his hand on Dmitri's mouth.

Stiles quickly walked into the living room nervously hoping nobody heard Dmitri. Derek swiftly rushed up the steps Dmitri in his arms. He walked into his room and locked the door behind him.

"Are you and Stiles...."

" can't tell anyone the only person that knows is mom."Derek practically whispered.

"But why keep it a secret?"Dmitri questioned.

"I just have to,okay?"Derek crouched in front of his younger sibling."promise me you won't tell a soul."

Dmitri thought about it for a second and smirked.

"Only if you let me read your Sherlock books."Dmitri knew how careful Derek was with his books especially with his older ones.

"Just don't ruin them."Derek glared and Dmitri nodded excitedly. "So do we have a deal?"

Dmitri smiled and shook Derek's hand happily.

"I think it's nice you found love."Dmitri stated.

"Yeah?"Derek rose an eyebrow.

"Defiantly you seemed so happy in his arms."Derek blushed and looked away from his brother.

"Yeah I guess I was."Derek smiled and Dmitri grinned,"come on lets go get you some candy."

They both went downstairs and the whole family turned their way once they walked into the living room. A wolf whistle escaped Dustin's lips and Derek growled at him annoyed.

"Baby bro you've been hitting the gym."Dustin chuckled and Derek glared at him.

"Well I play football..."

"Yeah, yeah I know just you're always wearing baggy clothes so who would really know?"He grinned casual.

"Stiles probably."Laura smirked and both Stiles and Derek turned red.

"Laura."Her mother growled but Laura only laughed and patted her baby brothers shoulder.

"It's so fun messing with you."She was smiling widely and Derek huffed under his breath.

"Why don't you kids just go to the party,i'll take your younger siblings trick or treating."Mr.Hale cleared his throat.

"Aw dad you're the best,well come on Derek!Cora this is a junior plus party sorry."Laura gave her sister a sympathetic smile and dragged Derek and stiles towards the front door.

They both walked behind her not at all excited for the party.Laura slipped on her sweater and walked to the Camero.

"Why can't we take your car."Derek whined.

"Cause yours is so much more sexier."She patted his ride and he rolled his eyes.

Stiles couldn't help but chuckle as he got into the back seat.Laura looked back at him smiling happily.She winked and then turned around,what the hell does she have planned.

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