Chapter six:Sexy Sexy Time..?

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So the title of the chapter is actually something I got off another fanfic from someone on here,it is hilarious and please don't kill me for using it.


Stiles practically jumped out of Derek's car,he was excited,hungry,and ready for some alone time.Derek shut off his car and tailed Stiles who was skipping to his front door,Stiles unlocked his door and made a grand gesture to welcome Derek in.Derek chuckled and stepped into Stiles' home.

It was warm and everything was clean,a fresh scent of lemons made it's way into Derek's nose and he sighed.Stiles shut the door behind him still grinning,he stepped into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

Stiles grabbed the sweetest things he could find in the fridge and stuffed them in his mouth. He grinned and grabbed the gallon of milk and chugged half of it. With a refreshed sigh he patted his stomach and approached Derek.

"after that you can forget about kissing me."Derek shoved him playfully, Stiles stuck out his tongue and licked Derek's neck. Derek let out a surprised squeak and Stiles chuckled and ran up the stairs. Derek chased him up the stairs and into his room, Stiles stood in the middle of his room a devilish grin. He wiggled his eyebrows at Derek and took his shirt off.

Derek blushed his cheeks turned bright red and he couldn't take his eyes off Stiles chest. Stiles approached Derek slowly and caressed Derek's face gently, he continued to grin. Stiles took off Derek's shirt gingerly, he gave the wolf a look of questioning, he wasn't sure if Derek was completely comfortable. Derek raised his arms helping Stiles take his shirt off.

Stiles brought their faces inches apart, he could feel Derek's cool breath on his skin. Derek was obviously nervous, so he wouldn't rush Derek into anything he didn't want to do. Stiles kissed Derek his arms wrapped around Derek's waist, Derek placed his hands on Stiles' chest.

Stiles slowly made his way to Derek's neck, he placed small kisses on Derek's jaw all the way to his collar bone and then to his neck. Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles' neck, Derek let small moans escape his mouth. Stiles shoved them gently towards the bed, he laid Derek softly below him.

Stiles sucked on Derek's neck leaving a small pink mark. Derek let out a loud moan that surprised Stiles, he had never heard Derek so open, he liked it. Derek's face turned a dark red along with his neck and ears, he was hoping that his moan wasn't too loud.Stiles started going lower down to Derek's chest, Derek gasped, he had never felt this good in his life.

Derek ran his fingers through Stiles' hair, bit his lips holding back his moans, he was embarrassed he didn't want Stiles to make fun of him afterward. He knows Stiles wouldn't do that regardless but just in case he held them back. Stiles came back up and kissed Derek passionately, Derek kissed back with full force.

Stiles took his lips off Derek's and smiled.

"do you want to....?"Stiles said breathless.

He could tell Derek was hesitant, mostly of how shy he was, Stiles didn't mind he would wait until Derek is comfortable with it.

"it's okay if you don't."Stiles smiled a loving grin towards Derek, he could see Derek visibly relax. Derek went back to kissing Stiles, he was comfortable with making out. Derek had this planned as a gift for Stiles.

they'd have their 'sexy sexy time' as Laura would call it on their one year anniversary, which was next month on thanksgiving.Stiles let Derek roll on top of him. Their legs intertwined, jean fabric rubbing against one another. Quiet sighs coming out of one of the boys mouths every once in a while.

Stiles took his lips off of Derek and frowned.

"my stomach is making the rumbles."Derek couldn't help but laugh at Stiles and his odd ways of saying things.

"you're a grown child."Derek rested his arms on each side of Stiles' face.

"I'm your grown child."Stiles corrected him and sat up. Derek now on his lap.

"I love you."Stiles cooed and Derek blushed.

"I like you a little."He joked, Stiles mocked hurt.

"Derek Sheldon Hale! You take that back this instant."Stiles acted like a upset mother.

Derek's cheeks darkened at the mention of his middle name.

"Genim ' Stiles ' Jeffery Stilinski! You are in big trouble mister! What have I told you about my middle name."Derek mocked a stern glare.

"I'm hurt you truly hurt me, you really played the Genim card."Stiles wiped away a fake tear.

"I'm sorry, I love you but I had to."Sat up in Stiles' lap smiling playfully.

"Love you too sour wolf."Stiles peeked Derek's lips and smiled.

Derek laughed, he missed this, missed being playful and showing true affection and love towards Stiles. Towards his soulmate.

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