Chapter four:Sarah our homosexual hero

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Oh oh ohhhhhhhhh I love foooodddd.Hiya guys how's life and what not?!.


Derek was heading to his car,he finally finished practice and most of his classes and it was time for lunch.He practically ran to his car when the lunch bell rang,he was excited.He opened his car door and sat down with a happy sigh.

But his mood changed almost immediately when, Laura, Erica, Isaac, And Boyd entered his car.He felt his blood boil and his heart rate speed up.

"What the hell are you guys doing?get out!!"He practically yelled.

"Woah BB (baby brother)." Laura raised her hands up in defense."Chill we just want to eat with you."

"No I'm meeting someone now get out!"He huffed angrily.

"Aw Der Der has a date."Erica chimed in a teasing tone.

Erica is Laura's best friend who also happens to be a werewolf,she was bit by a rouge alpha last school year and joined the Hale pack. But before that Erica and Laura cheer leaded together.

Boyd and Isaac also got bit and also joined the pack.So they automatically became friends practically family.Scott took some time to warm up to the others but he did eventually.

Derek sighed angrily and glared at them."I don't have a date now leave."He gritted his teeth holding back all of his anger.Erica grinned wildly.

"If you don't have a date then you won't mind us coming."Laura nodded in agreement.Derek let out a angry huff.

"It would be awkward."He looked at his sister with pleading eyes.She let out a loud sigh and smiled kindly at Derek."Come on guys,i'll just find a ride for us."She climbed out the car and the others followed saying goodbye to Derek.

Derek sighed with relief and started the car.He saw as Stiles snuck his way towards Derek checking if anyone could see him.He practically jumped inside,Derek laughed at him and drove out of the parking lot quickly.

"Hey babe."Stiles kissed Derek on the cheek,Derek felt his face flush but he smiled."Hey,how was your day?"He got onto the highway.Stiles grinned and started talking about his day excitedly,Derek would laugh once in a while when Stiles would use hand gestures and mimic others.

"How bout you?"Stiles finally finished with a bright smile.Derek grinned towards him."probably not as exciting as yours but it was decent."Stiles nodded and looked out the window still smiling.

Derek pulled up into a diners parking lot and shut off his car.Stiles hopped out and Derek did the same.They walked in hand in hand,nobody from school likes this diner but Stiles and Derek and this is why they go here like twice a week.The waitress smiled at the boys she knows them by name and they know her by name.

"Hey boys!usual booth?"She questioned and they both nodded.They sat in a corner booth just in case someone they knew walked in,that would at least give them enough time for one of them to sprint into the bathroom.

They both sat from across each other smiles plastered on their faces.Their waitress Sarah walked up to them grinning fondly at the young boys.She had straight brown hair and big brown eyes,she looked almost exotic her hour glass figure hugged at her dress.Most of the men in the diner stared at her with lust and yearning.

Sarah was confident never paying attention to the cat calls she got,she would glare at the person and continue to walk.Many men have left her their phone numbers with their tips,but what they don't know is that she has a girlfriend.Thats why she so dearly wants to help Derek and Stiles with their coming out.

"And what can I get for my two favorite love birds?"She grinned at a blushing Derek and winked at Stiles who chuckled.Derek's whole posture changed and fear spread into his eyes.Stiles looked at the direction Derek was looking and saw Mrs and Mr Hale with some guy in a ridiculous v-neck walking towards the diner.

Sarah grabbed Stiles quickly and shoved him into the bathroom saving both of the boys asses.They discussed this with her before and she agreed to help.She walked back towards Derek as if she didn't just stuff a teenage boy into the bathroom.She put on a fake smile and asked Derek once again what he would like to order.At that exact moment his mother,father,and uncle walked in.

They spotted him immediately and walked his way.He was glad Stiles didn't order anything or else he would have some explaining to do.He told Sarah to get him French toast and hot chocolate.She nodded still concerned and walked away.His mother smiled at him.

"What are you doing here?Shouldn't you be in school?"His father asked and sat across from him,his mother did the same but his uncle sat beside him.Derek sat straight and smirked a little covering his fear.

"I'm on lunch break."He was praying that his parents would leave so that he could spend his fifty-five minutes with Stiles.His mother nodded studying her son.

"Are you here with someone...a girl?"His uncle teased.Derek felt his face turn red and he glared at his uncle.

"No I'm not,Peter."Peter only chuckled and sat back.

"Plus if I was wouldn't you have seen here plate or purse here."Derek looked sharply at his uncle who only shrugged.

"No need to get defensive son."His father mumbled quietly.

Derek huffed and Sarah arrived with his food and drink.He took it without looking at her,she could see that he was somehow defeated.She asked his family members if they wanted anything but all they asked for was coffee.

Derek took a small bite of his toast not looking up at his elders.His mother was giving him a concern look but didn't say anything.His father knew something was wrong but only started a conversation with Peter.

"Honey what's the matter?"His mother finally spoke.Derek looked up and shrugged and continued eating.He was almost done and was dying to get out of there.Sarah noticed how uncomfortable Derek was so she walked back over bad asked if she could speak to him about a job offering.His parents gladly let him walk off with her.

They walked to a hall where they were out of the other Hales view.Sarah sighed when she say how pained Derek looked,she gently rubbed his shoulder out of comfort.His eyes watered a little and she pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry."She whispered in his hair."Sorry you have to go through this at such a young age."She rubbed his back gently and he only sniffed quietly.

"Thank you."He mumbled and pulled out of the hug.She nodded and patted his head like Laura would.

"I already talked to Stiles,he's pretty upset but he knows it not your fault."She said soothingly and Derek nodded.

"I'm a terrible boyfriend."He mumbled and heard a small gasp behind him.

They both turned to see Talia behind them in shock.

"Mom I can explain!!"

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