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Surprise! Thanks for eight hundred you guys rock. [Slurs used]

Stiles and Derek exited the jeep the Hale house still had Derek's family in it. The thanksgiving party didn't end once Derek left and Stiles went to go look for him but neither of the boys could say they were surprised. Stiles grabbed Derek's hand and smiled at him with clear reassurance. Derek smiled back even though Stiles could tell he wanted to leave again.

Stiles squeezed Derek's hand as they made their way up the front steps of the Hale house. Derek unlocked the door and warm air exited the house as they walked in. Music played from the living room making it easier for the boys to come in unnoticed.

Derek checked the kitchen to see only his parents talking in hushed whispers, dinner was over and everybody was mingling in the living room and in the backyard. Stiles nudged Derek to move forward but Derek gave him a worried looked. Stiles gave him an encouraging smile, Derek let go of Stiles' hand and Stiles stood right where he was just in case something went wrong.

Derek hesitantly stepped into the kitchen causing both his parents to turn and stop talking. Derek could already feel the shame from his father already digging into his mind. Talia looked at her son with sympathy and David looked at him with pure rage. Derek bit his lip not saying anything he seemed like a puppy that just tinkled on the carpet.

"Do you have any idea how idiotic you acted today?!" David raged.


"No you will hear what I have to say." David growled his anger growing.

"No,You both will discuss this later." Talia intervened, "we have guests."

Derek nodded and quickly stepped out of the kitchen his cheeks a dark red. Stiles grabbed Derek's hand gently and lead him away from the kitchen and living room. Derek felt his heart thudding against his rib cage, the only thing he wanted to do was make his father proud and he just did the exact opposite.

Stiles took him up the stairs and to the balcony connected to Stiles' guest bedroom. Derek let go of Stiles' hand and sunk to the floor his chest aching, tears welled up in his eyes. He clutched his head and a quiet sob escaped his lips no longer able to hold it in.

"Hey, hey, hey." Stiles sat beside Derek and wrapped an arm around Derek's shoulders soothing him, "It's going to be okay,Der."

"He hates me." Derek whimpered.

"Then he's wrong, because you will never be a disappointment." Stiles said with determination in his tone, "Der, have I ever told you I love you?"

"Huh? Everyday." Derek looked at Stiles with confusion in his hazel eyes.

"I love you Derek Sheldon Hale." Stiles held onto Derek's hand kissing it.

"I love you Genim Stiles Jeffery Stilinski." Derek whispered and Stiles gave him a gentle smile.

A soft knock on the door caused both the boys to look up from their spot. Peter stood there with a look of almost fear Derek had to admit he was surprised to see his uncle in such a state. Both the boys stood up and Derek wiped away his tears and put on a brave face.

"Stiles, can I speak to my nephew for a second?" Peter leaned against the door frame and Stiles nodded before squeezing Derek's hand and leaving the balcony.

Peter waited until he was sure Stiles was out of ear shot, "What you and Stiles did was pretty brave."

"What?" Derek didn't change his expression making sure it looked like he was composed so no one would rag on him later about it.

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