Chapter Fifteen:L is for the way he looks at you

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Heyo glue exploded in my book bag and school starts in two days!great....


Derek walked through the door with a couple of his friends to Stiles' dismay. He wanted to hang out with Derek, secretly of course but now he couldn't because he had company. He watched as they sat in the living room, he was in the dining room eating a bowl of cereal while playing a game on his phone.

Derek switched on the tv and started talking to the only girl of the group. Stiles hated to admit he was the jealous type, but not the annoying kind that yank their spouses away from other people. He scooped up some of his cereal and shoved it in his mouth now looking back at his phone screen.

Maybe Stiles needed to hang out with a friend or two just for now. He'd ask Talia when she got back from the grocery store if he could invite Scott over. He was so not bored but lonely, he needed to interact with someone outside of the Hale family and quick.

He finished his cereal and gulped the milk out of the bowl. A milk moustache formed and he quickly wiped it off. He placed his dish in the sink and walked up stairs to his room, he knew the polite thing to do was to wash his dish. But last time he washed his dishes he got a lecture from Talia about how he was the guest and he didn't have to worry about cleaning. In all honesty he didn't want to hear that again.

He could hear Laura's loud music booming from behind her room door, she's been in a weird funk since the whole Hank incident. Stiles knocked on her door and he could hear the music's volume decrease. She unlocked it and he could see she was in bumy clothes.

Her hair was in a sloppy bun, and she had no makeup on her face. It was still beautiful just bare. She had on pajama shorts and a big baggy shirt with her cheer team's logo on it. Stiles grinned at her and she opened the door wider for him to come in.

"Hey cutie,what's up?"She picked up the clothes that were on her floor and tossed them in her hamper.

"Boredom."Stiles flopped on her bed, it smelled like the perfume she wore on a daily basis.

She turned around and smiled at him,"honestly the only supernatural thing in this town is that you don't have a girlfriend."

Stiles snorted and brought one of her pillows under his head. He could feel his cheeks warm but didn't say anything, Laura continued to clean up her room.



"Why do you tease Derek and I so much?"The question was out of the blue he knew that but still he was truly curious.

"Well..."Laura stopped cleaning a looked at Stiles, "you guys would probably be the cutest couple in town. And I'm pretty sure you're the only one that can make Derek blush, I think he likes you."

"Is that so."Stiles mumbled, "and why is that?"

"Because he blushes like a school girl when you're around, he's always stealing glances at you when you're in the room, and he sometimes looks down and smiles at the little things you do."She sat down by Stiles who scooted over so there was enough room for the both of them. "He looks at you like any girl would want their crush to look at them."

Stiles stood silent, he had this warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach and he so desperately wanted to tell Laura about him and Derek. He would talk to Derek about it later cause he really wanted her in the know. He smiled weakly at her and she patted his back.

"What's up with you?You're never cooped up in your room like this..."Stiles changed the topic before he said something he'd regret.

Laura sighed and laid besides Stiles, "Is it whorish that I want to start dating again?"

"What?No, Hank was a dick and its not like you guys had sex or anything."

"Yeah... it's just I'm starting to like someone else but I don't want to be the whore of the school."Laura's face turned a bright pink.

"I'll stand by your side if you need me."Stiles mumbled reassuringly.

"Aw, you're like the brother I've always wanted."

"You have four brothers."Stiles chuckled.

"But you're not as annoying."

Stiles laughed and their conversation fell into lighter subjects.


Talia walked through the door,groceries in her hands and keys dangling from her pinky finger. Stiles came down the stairs and immediately rushed to help her, she protested but he took the bags anyways. She sighed as he set the groceries on the kitchen table gently.

"Stiles you're a guest you don't have to help me."She mumbled quietly.

"Talia, it's okay I don't mind."Stiles chuckled and she smiled softly.

"I was wondering if I could invite Scott over."He gave her a sheepish grin and she patted his shoulder.

"Go ahead."He thanked her and went up to his room to call his bestfriend.

Derek's friends decided to go home, they didn't want to intrude on his family's dinner and he couldn't force them to stay, so he waved could bye while they drove out of his driveway. He turned off his tv and strolled into the kitchen where his mother started cooking meatloaf with mash potatoes and corn.

He watched her intently and she finally stopped peeling the potatoes to look at her son. He smiled at her and she started peeling again though she still watched him.

"Yes?"She finally questioned.

"Nothing, I'm just chilling here with you."He grinned and she narrowed her eyes at her son.

"What do you want,Derek?"She furrowed her eyebrows.

"So you know how S and I are having our thing for a year."Derek talked in a ridiculous code, his mother sighed but nodded her head yes."well I was wondering if I could borrow a couple of bucks for a gift."

She was surprised and stopped peeling the potatoes completely to look at him awestruck,"ah...sure dear, how much?"

"Just fifty, I already have five hundred saved up."He smiled sheepishly and Talia raised her eyebrows.

"And how'd you get all that money mister?"Derek blushed and grinned.

"My allowance and working around town."She resumed cooking and she had this odd smile on her face.

"You really like you know who...hmm?"She was teasing and he knew it.

"'"Derek sputtered and stammered, his facing growing red and his neck and ears burning with a blush.

She chuckled and Derek felt even more embarrassed."that's perfectly normal, honey."

"Is it?"Derek plopped onto a stool his eyes full of curiosity.

"It is and it's amazing trust me."She tossed the peeled potatoes in boiling water and grabbed two cans of corn from the cabinet.

The doorbell rang and both the Hales perked up at the sound of it. Stiles rushed down the stairs and towards the door. Derek watched curious to who might be there.

Scott walked through the door and Stiles started rambling excitedly. Scott laughed at something Stiles said and Derek leaned forward to get a better view. He thought it was adorable when Stiles rambled, how his eyes lit up when he talked about one of his favorite topics, or how soothing his voice was when he talked about something he was passionate about.

Derek sighed, "come on let's hang out in my room."Stiles dragged Scott upstairs and Derek watched they're departure. Talia watched her son smiling.

"Oh hun you're in deep."Derek jumped at her words.

He blushed and bit his lips. He stood quiet, because maybe he didn't mind being utterly in love with his spaz of a boyfriend.

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