Chapter 3

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Autumn's pov

"YOU DUMBASS" I hear my brother Cameron yell to his twin

"DON'T YELL AT ME, YOUR THE ONE WHO LEFT YOUR DOOR OPEN" Cooper yell back at his twin

They continued to yell at each other but I had enough so I march down to Cameron's room "guys will you stop with the yelling" I said and they looked at me and they started to yell all at once so I can't understand them

"one at a time"

"Cooper is a asshole so please take my side" Cameron said

"no wait a minute why is he a asshole?" I ask

"I saw-no nope not gonna say it its gross when I say it, Cameron you tell her"

"ummm Autumn Cooper-" Cameron was cut off by Cooper

"I saw him sleeping with someone in here!" he yells and I look at the two boys in discust

"ewww, why did you come here in the first place Cooper" I ask

"I was about to ask him about something and yeah I saw..."

"ok no need to continue I get it" I said still discusted

"so who's fault is it me or Cooper" Cameron ask me

"ok first your the one who had his door opened and Cooper was happened to be here and second where's the girl?" I ask

"she's in the bathroom" he answered

"well get her out,now case closed and you two act like adults God!" I said walking out of his room and going downstairs to grab a apple

"hello anyone home?" I hear Holland yell

"in here" I said

"hey so tell me, did he call you or something" Holland says talking about Brad

I told Holland what happened yesterday with bead and she just screamed on the phone and yeah that is what happened

"what no he didn't, you know why? because I didn't give him mine and he didn't give him his so there's no way I'm contacting him" I said sitting on the kitchen counter

"seriously Autumn, you spent the night with him and didn't get his number, that's like rule one of being single" she says

"first we didn't spent the night together like that we just talked and nothing happened"

"except you saw him strip down to his underwear"

"ok whatever Holland, besides i think his famous or something...." I paused

"You still don't know them, and then I thought your the smart one" she says grabbing her phone and giving it to me "I don't u-" she cuts me off  "just watch it" she demands

I look at the video and it says just my type by the vamps I look at the video carefully and then I saw him "no fucking way" I said cussing and yes I cuss when I'm shocked or angry

"yep told you" Holland says taking her phone back

"first you didn't tell me anything and second holy crap I saw Brad Simpson- the Brad Simpson in his underwear" I said still not believing it

"yep you have a crush on him"

"I didn't say anything about that"

"You don't know it yet but trust me you will like him" Holland guarantees

"what do I do when I see him again, I mean if see him again"

"I don't know act normal?"

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