Chapter 33

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Autumn's pov

"so how did you sleep?" I ask Cooper

"well-ish but you know good" he says

"did hazel stay over?" I ask

"no she went home, she had a job in the morning" he says "oh that reminds me, is Cameron and Holland ok?" he asks


"I don't know, after our birthday last night they kinda disappeared and Holland came back pretty mad at him"

"You know why?"

"no that's why I'm asking you"

As on cue Cameron came in "hey guys" he says

Me and Cooper looked at our brother "what did you do?" Cooper asks

"what do you mean?" Cameron ask

"about Holland you dumbass" I said

"oh you now"

"no we don't so tell us what happened?" I ask

"ok just...cooper can you hold Autumn for a second because I think she's gonna kill me after I say this" he says

Cooper does what he did and I didn't even bother to do anything, Cooper grabs me in the waists "ok now tell us" Cooper says tighten his grip on me

Cameron sighs "it was a only happened once but I didn't mean it to happen" he puased "I was drunk and me and my other friends were out drinking a few days ago so we decided to go to a club a few blocks from the bar, we all agreed and went there. I was dancing with a girl and she kissed me so I said to her 'I have a girlfriend' but she just say 'don't worry she doesn't have to know anything' she said so I just let it happen. We went back to her place and you know what happened after that, so I told Holland about it yesterday because I felt guilty about it but she just slaps me and walks away"he says and now I am super pissed off and I wanted to kill him right now

"come here you little-you jerk!" I said trying to break free from Cooper's hold but he was to strong

"oh this is why you wanted to sustain her, great plan bro" Cooper says

"Autumn it happened once, she tried to call me but I change my number so she can't contact me anymore" Cameron says

"that doesn't change what you did! You hurt my friend and you know what's gonna happen! So you better run before I rip your heart out!" i said and Cameron left as quickly as possible

Cooper let me go finally after 10 minutes later "Autumn don't murder our brother" Cooper says

"I can and I will after I visit Holland at her apartment so if he comes back here tell him I'm gonna find him I said grabbing my keys and quickly got to Holland's apartment

I knocked on the door and as she opened the door I notice that she was crying "aww honey come here"i said pulling her into a hug

She hugs me back and I shut the front door." did you know? "she asks pulling away from the hug

" no he just told us when he was in the house are you ok? "i said guiding her  to her living room and sat down on the couch

" his a jerk...did you murder him yet? "she asks

" not yet but as soon as I'm finished talking to you I'm gonna find him"i said

"I know where he is, he's helping the vamps out at one of there performance tonight or something, he promised them so I would try there...ill text you the where" she says and I nodded

"I'm gonna come back with hazel and trust me we're gonna help you" i said kissing her forehead and then heading out

Holland text me the place, as I pull up I snuck in the back way. I looked around and asked around and finally found him with the boys at the stage "where is that asshat!" I said barging in the room where they were

I saw them on the stage "Autumn please im your brother" Cameron pleads behind Tristan and James

I walk up the stage and crossing my arms on my chest "you should've thought about that before you hurt my friend" i said walking towards him but someone grabs me and puts me on their shoulder

"calm down girl" Brad says

"screw you pal" I said "and by the way I'm in a skirt you perv" I said kinda blushing

"I know and I think I just saw your underwear" he says walking somewhere

I groan as he walked "you know this could've gone worse than I thought" i said

"really? I thought it's going great for me right now" he says opening a door and shutting it behind us "I'm gonna put you down if you calm down" he says

"fine" I sighed

He puts me down on a chair "I know it's bad Autumn but his sorry for what happened with Holland" he says trying to make me feel better

"I know! It's just-I saw Holland before I came here she is so sad when I saw her, she's really hurt Brad and it's killing me for not doing anything" I said

"You were about to kill your brother pretty sure your gonna do great on your part" he says sitting next to me

I let out a laugh "yeah that's true"

He smiles "this is the first time I've seen you laughed since we talked" he says

"yeah it's kinda nice to talk to you again" I said not thinking about the situation

"so you wanna talk to your brother now without killing him of course" he says

"yeah but I need to talk to him alone" I said

"am I gonna regret this?"

I nod "yes you will"

He stands up and went to get my brother, as soon as he came in "sorry" we both said

"Cameron I just saw Holland she needs you" I said walking towards him

"she's mad at me"

"yeah she's mad but she still loves you so go!" I said

"thanks-" I cut him off by slapping him in the face "I deserve that" he says leaving

Brad came in "did it go ok?" he asks

"yes" I paused "so do you have food in here?" I ask and he let out a laugh

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