Chapter 29

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Autumn's pov

After I arrived at the bakery I already have some customers waiting outside so I opened and served them their orders

Now its noon, hazel and Holland are here to have lunch, they bought take out from McDonald's which is great

"so you think his gonna help you today or something?" Holland says putting a French fry in her mouth

"probably or probably not I don't know" I said honestly

"who do you think is this girl?" hazel says

"if you guys don't mind I don't want to talk about it because honestly I can't seem to get it out of my head" I said changing the subject

"ok sorry" they said

As they said that someone came in the shop "ok I'll be right back, don't eat my fries or I swear your gonna get hurt very badly" I said and I hear mumble  "no promises"

I walked in front of the shop and saw Brad looking dressed up "hey" he says

"hi, you look um great" I said checking him out

"thanks but I need to ask you something is that ok?" he asks

"yeah go ahead" I said

"what is the best thing to give a girl you like?"

I felt an anvil dropped in my heart as he said that "oh umm, it really depends on the girl" i said still answering his question

"ok umm how about you what do you want?"

"oh what do I want?, I don't know I just accept a gift as it is" I said

"great thanks and um happy valentine's day" he says and quickly leaves

I went back to the girls and sat down "You ok? Who was that?" hazel asks

"it was Brad he came to ask me if what is the best thing to give a girl?" I said bluntly

"You ok?" Holland says

"yeah I'm ok, I mean a little hurt but fine let's just forget about" I said

"You sure?" hazel asks

"yes, so what were we talking about?" i ask changing the subject to anything else

There's no way your not gonna stop thinking about this I thought

After lunch they went back to my house to spend time with their boyfriends,and I stayed behind to work of course. It's 5 pm now and I have to get home to probably make dinner for myself and probably Cooper because he always hungry in the middle of the night

I drove to the supermarket and I decided to make some spaghetti, I went in and got a cart to get the stuff in

I grabbed the pasta but someone beat me to it "sorr-mrs. Simpson how are you?" I said facing the person who turned out to be Brad's mom

"Autumn I knew it was you and I'm fine dear" he says sweetly

"what are you doing here if you don't mind me asking" I ask grabbing another bag of pasta

"getting some dinner for my family you?"

"yeah I'm doing the same thing" I said

"well I heard your a great cook and by the way me and nat tried your cupcakes and they were great Brad was right you are amazing" she says

"thank you for the kind words" I smiled

"no need to be modest you deserve it" she smiles back "I heard Brad had a date, where are you guys going?" she asks

I blushed that she thought that I was the one who has a date with her son "actually no he has a date with another girl" I said

"oh I'm sorry I just thought you and him were a couple or something but I get it it's complicated"

"yeah, and I do like him that way but you know don't tell him that maybe tell nat but not him" I said

"your secret is safe with me" she says "but I have to go, nice seeing you again Autumn" she says

"You too, happy valentine's day by the way" I said and she smiles in response and she finally walks off

I got all the stuff for dinner and got home "hey Autumn" James greets as soon as I got in the house

"hi, what are you doing here"

"we just stopped by and said hi" he says helping me out with the groceries and leading me to the kitchen and everyone was there already but Brad

"what's up sis?" Cooper asks

Me and James put down the groceries down on the counter "I'm good, who's up for spaghetti?" I ask

Mostly everyone said yes "we can't but totally save some for tomorrow" Connor says

"yeah ok" Cooper says sarcastically

"don't worry I will make sure there's more" I said

"thanks Autumn, bye guys" Tristan says

They walked out of the house and left "by the way autumn there is a package for you upstairs in your room, it's from Brad" Cooper says

"ok what is it?" I ask

"don't know" Cooper says

"ok then I'll just cook dinner and eat dinner then I will open it" I said

So I did cook dinner and it was delicious as they said, after that I went to my room and found the gift was sitting on my bed. I grabbed it and sat on the bed, I opened the box and saw the most beautiful necklace that had a mic and guitar charm it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I went to my phone and texted Brad

Fall 🍁
Thank you for the gift ❤️😊

As I sent it I had the most wide smile in my face

The Baker - Bradley Simpson Where stories live. Discover now