Chapter 25

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Autumn's pov

"hey dad and malia" I said walking in the living room "oh I'm sorry was I interrupting your date?" I said

"no honey it's ok" dad paused "are you going to work?" he asks

"yeah, I just baked cookies last night so I have new cupcakes, cookies, muffins and other baked good" I said pretty proud of myself

"I heard baked goods, who has some?" Cameron says coming in with Holland, Cooper and hazel

"it's already in my car but if there some extras I totally would give you some" I said looking at Cameron, I looked at my dad and mouthing 'I am not giving him any'

"alright thank sis" he smiles

"oh your welcome, I gotta go...see you guys later" I said grabbing my bag and heading out

I drove pretty quickly to the shop, after I arrived I unloaded the baked goods and put them in the rightfull place

I was on my phone when a customer comes in "hi miss, would you point me to the best cupcake here?" I look up and saw Brad

"oh I'm sorry sir but all of these are reserved for a certain customer" I said

"oh really who is it, is he awesome, is cool and totally handsome" he says

I let out a laugh "more like totally annoying but I think I found him" i said pointing at him

"I am not annoying"

"right, what are you doing here Brad?" I ask

"I called an order yesterday and yes I called on your work number not your personal number" he says

"oh what's the special occasion?"

"nothing, remember we promised my mom to taste your delicious cupcakes so I thought I'd do it now and plus I really miss the taste"

"well tell me if she likes them"

"su-" Brad cut off by the store door opening

"Nick" I said looking at the person who walked in

"hey Autumn, Vicki says you got a bakery so I thought I get some brownies for me and Vick" he says

"oh yeah totally I could totally do that" I paused "oh Brad this is nick and nick this is Brad" I said introducing them to each other

"hey man, my little sister is a huge fan" nick says putting his hand out

"thank you mate and nice to meet you" Brad says shaking his hand firmly

"nice grip" nick says

"ok boys, nick here are your brownies that'll be 50 pounds" I said cutting the tension between them

"thanks Autumn" he says giving me the payment for the brownies

"yeah no problem" I smiled

He smiles back "oh I totally forgot to ask you something yesterday" he paused "you wanna have dinner with me?" he asks

I put on a surprised look "oh umm" I mumble lowly, I look between nick and Brad do you still have feelings with Bradley? He said he liked you ask a friend and only that so get that to your brain. Time to move on "yeah ok" I said to nick

"cool I'll get your number from Vicki and I'll text you with the details" he says

"ok I'll be waiting" I said, he nods and leaves

I look back at Brad with his nose scrunched up like it's a discusting "a problem?" I ask

"why are you going out with him" he says fanatically

"what it's just a date nothings bad gonna happen" I said

"yeah but I just don't like his game"

"game? What game?"

"exactly his hiding something"

"calm down Brad ok jeez your freaking me out a little" I said shuddering

"what will your brothers think?"

"I don't know probably be supportive like your kinda doing right now"

"I am being supportive and cautious cause I care about you" he says

"ok well your not my brothers and it's gonna be fine now help me with selling this stuff" I said, he nods and helped me

Time skip

Me and Brad spelled alot of baked goods and that is awesome. We locked up and I have us a ride on our way to my house

"hey guys" Cameron greets us while me and Brad were coming in the lounge room "how is the shop,good right?" he says

"yeah you guys did a great job on taking care of that place thank you" is aid sitting next to Holland "and yes Brad helped me" I said

"wow lucky you, you got to see the bosy Autumn" Cooper says to Brad

"I'm not bosy" I said defending myself

"yeah your a little bit bosy" Brad says

I put a hand a hand on my chest acting that I was hurt "ok that hurts alot" I said everyone laughed and so did I "hey guys I want to tell you something" I said

"yeah sure" hazel says

"I got-"

"she got a date with nick" Brad says cuting me off

"Yay finally girl!" Holland says excitingly

"that's great sis, sure that's a great idea I mean I like him but your sure your ready to date again?" Cooper says

"yes! I deserve it plus his nice and hot" I said

"that's great but if he hurts you we would totally hurt him on a punch level" Cameron says

"thank you for the support unlike somebody" I paused looking at Brad "anyway I digress I'm going to bed" I said walking to my room upstairs

Holland's pov

After Autumn left we all looked at Brad "what did you say to her?" I ask

"nothing! I mean I just don't think she can go out with nick" he says

"and why not?" Connor says

"I don't have a reason but he can't go out with her" Brad says

I gasp "your jealous that his going out with her!" I said

"what no I don't" Brad says pretty defensively

"dude you totally do" Cooper says

"I am not jealous, even though it's making me angry that she's going out with him ugh! Why him!"

"I don't know because she likes him and he like her, you know that happens when to people like each other" hazel jumps into the conversation

"Autumn like him?!" Brad shouts

"yep I mean it's pretty obvious right guys?" James says and everyone nods their head

"admit it you like Autumn and you hate the fact that she's going on a date with another guy" I said

"not admitting it and if I do like her I won't ask her out like that, I mean the way he ask her out was so boring-not important" he says

"yeah not liking her ever?" Tristan says

"never!" Brad says firmly

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