Chapter 8: I'm not one - I'm a whole lot! (Part 2)

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Parky p.o.v.

Breathing the fresh air in Central Park couldn't calm my heart beat. I thought that being back here would make me happier in my process of adjusting with my blindness. Just last week before our departure to Frankfurt, I was so sure that I could connect the old and the new me. The bubbly Korean kid in the neighborhood with the half blind lawyer me. Then I could embrace whatever life throw me on my lap. Hopefully, stronger. 

Right at the moment, my brain was just all mushy. Our encounter - Sammy and I - was turning all well-planed agenda. I didn't know how to respond the overflowed feelings. Most of my body shouted "I don't deserve this bliss." He cared much about my issues, but he also respected my decision by always asking my permission before doing anything. Something that never been done by even my Dad or my Mom. They just did, explained later. If I expressed my dislike, they would scowled me to be a grateful person. I was not fully Korean, you know. Korean kids were never allowed to say anything against their parents. I tend to snap more easily when I was kid. But growing up in Korean culture somehow tamed my rebellious self. Respect your elders were a must and non-negotiable. 

We might be busy with our mind. We slowly headed home ehm.. Sammy's place. I just held his wheelchair backrest. I didn't want to hold his hand, because I was holding my tears so hard. I didn't want him to feel bad. Without me shedding tears, he already felt really bad too. I couldn't answer his confession, not yet. And we would drift apart, me in Busan and him in Frisco. Our friendship - or whatever ship there was - was just started and the future was as bad as my eyesight. Bleak. Dark. Fuzzy. Blurry. 

We entered the condo in silence. Found my way to the bedroom and started to pack. I guessed Sammy was also busy himself in his bedroom. I wanted to get my packing done and I guessed I could have a talk with him, before my Dad arrived at Hyatt.  

I heard Sammy's clicking, approaching the bedroom door. He was wearing his leg braces.
"Parky? Your dad's calling. You wanna answer now or later?"
"I'll get it." I walked to his voice direction. Sammy touched my hand with the cellphone. I grabbed it and put it on my ear.

"Hello dad?"
"Sikkie, I've checked in at the hotel. If it is OK with you, you can go now. We can meet at the Hotel lounge."
"I'm just packing. Can I see you in next hour? I need to do things with Sammy before I catching you up there."
"OK, and how about having dinner with him tonight? We need to thank him properly."
"Yes dad, I'll ask him. So, you take a rest and I'll be there in one hour."
"That's OK son." Then he hung up. 
>>> translated from Korean<<<

"Sammy? Where are you..?" I was so occupied with my Dad's call that I didn't pay attention to where Sammy was. Not a sound responded. 
"Sammy?? SAAAMMYY..." Suddenly I was panting. Was he so upset that he didn't want to get near me? 
Then I heard the clicking approaching from outside the door. He was going outside?
"Parky? I'm here, buddy... Hold on.. C'mhere.. Go to the couch.. What happened? ARe you OK?" He was ranting. I fumbled my steps heading to the couch. My breathing was still erratic. 
"Sam.. I thought you.. left."
"Left? No.." He chuckled. I heard his clicking and dragging and a thug on the couch. I sat on the other end of the couch.
"Come here, closer. Come on... scoot your ass here."
I scooted my butt to get closer to him. I gave him the cellphone. He took the phone and held my hand so hard. Then he pulled me to his chest. He hugged me tight.
"Listen, Parky... dear Parky.. I was just answering a courier delivering some documents from Andrew. I thought you needed time and space to talk with your dad. I am so sorry, Parky. I didn't mean to leave you or anything such. I would never ever do that to you."
I nodded, and I held his callous hand. 
"My dad was already at the hotel and he'd like to invite you to have dinner. Goosh.. I was so weird. I was scared that you hated me. I can't give you an answer to your confession, and we're going to be separated million miles away. I don't know myself anymore..."

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