Chapter 10: Kimchi and Smoked Salmon (Part 2)

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I'm sorry for a very very very late update... I hope you are all safe and healthy. This chapter is dedicated for all of you who are very patient with me.

Sammy p.o.v

We were about to enter the cafe when I spot the parking-lot attacker bitch was having chat with Parky's Dad. I pressed Parky's hand and stopped rolling. Parky stopped cautiously.

"What, now, Sammy?"
"Your dad is with your Joon and the bitch." Parky was suddenly tensed knowing that we were gonna have dinner with the enemy.
"Parky... say something, babe. You need to go somewhere else?" His hand was pressing mine so hard. A bit shaken, but he really tried to control himself. I rubbed his back hand with my thumb.
"No. We have to meet them eventually. I... I just... need a second."
"I can tell your dad, if you don't want to meet them." Parky shook his head. His eyes were fluttering nervously, but I guessed he was OK. At least he was trying to be OK and not being panic. A tiny bit inside me whispering, that he might still love her. Parky was not over it yet. He was still holding something for the girl. I didn't like that tiny voice inside me. I wanted him to be mine but I also wanted him to love me. 
"Sam, I'm totally OK. I just need to prepare myself to confront them." And suddenly Parky leaned his body to me and hugged me. My stomach was churned and started to act wildly. I never felt like this before with anyone. I just nod on his shoulder, hugging him back. And the tiny voice inside me was dead. Parky just loved me, still. How our bodies communicated beyond words really amazed me. He gave me a light peck on my cheek before whispering to my ear:
"I'm a goddamn lawyer, Sam. I need to prepare myself over and over in courts." I smiled and put his hand on my cheek. I wanted him to know that I was smiling wide.
"You are too gorgeous as a lawyer. I keep forgetting that you can kill your opponent on courts"
Parky released his hand from mine and took out his cane. He was ready.
"Let them say what they want to say. We don't need to make any scene here."
"I think so, Sam. They're not that important to messing my life now. We just need to get it over. Enough for today."
"I got your back, babe." Parky laughed. "What? I said something funny?"
"You got my back, Sam? Is that really a gay joke?" 
We entered the cafe still laughing.

We moved to a Asian restaurant just a couple of blocks from the hotel. We just walked there, and Parky's left hand was on my right shoulder while his right hand was scanning the pavement with his cane. We talked about casual things, joked around about culture gaps, latest news, and a bit of our day job. When we reached the restaurant, I just realized why I never went there.
Stairs. No ramp. And I didn't have my crutches or braces right now.
Somehow, Parky knew something was wrong. He pressed my shoulder lightly. He leaned to my right side and whispered: 
"Sammy, what's wrong?"
"It's OK. I can manage."
"What? What is it?"
"Steps. Stairs. But It's OK, there's only few steps."
"Oh Sam.. I'm sorry. I didn't know." 
"I said, I can manage that. But maybe I need your help a bit. Just in case."
"Dad..." Apparently, Parky's dad didn't realized about accessibility that I needed, especially without crutches and braces.
"What's wrong Sikkie?"
"Can we go somewhere else, that Sammy can go too? Or, can you ask the staff if they have accessible entrance for wheelchair?" I saw Mr.Jang's face got shocked, realizing the situation. I quickly said:
"No, Parky.. It's OK. I just need a little help on my left side for support. No need the hassle."
"Sam, are you sure?"
"Definitely. It's just my left leg that doesn't work, remember?" Parky twitched his lips, a little smile. A little blush. Cute. Then he started to check on the steps. He came back to me after he was sure about the height of each step.

I stood on my right leg, hoping that it wouldn't act up with sting of pain. My right hand was holding on the banister. Parky's right hand was holding my back to support my left side, and I put my left hand around his shoulder. Luckily we had almost the same height and body type. I was just a bit taller than him. I started climb up the steps one by one using only my right leg, and my useless left leg was just dragging along. I just needed to focus on my right one. It was Parky's dad who brought up my wheelchair. 
"Actually, there's a ramp back there. But you already up. Sorry." Joon said sheepishly. I was a bit surprised hearing his voice. I guessed I was too busy concentrating on climbing up the steps, I forgot that there were other people besides Parky and his dad. 
After I got my comfort sitting on my wheelchair, I gave a tap on Parky's hand.
"I'm fine. Let's go inside." Parky smiled. I couldn't read Mr. Jang's expression, though. He was just silent entering the dining hall. That made me nervous, but I tried to disregard my worry. 

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