Naib x Eli

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Warning: Angst, depressed and blood.

"How many days has it been?"
"Where's Eli?"
"Did he eat yet?"

Question by questions pouring out from survivors lips. The seer has been locking himself in his room for weeks. No one even know why, and what happened even his own boyfriend, Naib. Fortunately the host is kind and considerate so she just let Eli be. Maybe he need some rest or something. Everyone need a little time for themselves.


Tears trickling down his cheeks. His pillow is already wet. His bed are messy along with the bedsheet and blanket. Soft sobs could be heard from outside his room which Naib has always been waiting there. Knocking on the door every morning asking for him to eat together, or maybe have a little talk.

How many days has it been? Days, weeks? The brunette has been crying all day and only take his meal when he feels his hand shaking. Even so, he only eat a spoonful or two and he's done. He's getting really thin day by day.

Why is this happening? What's with the sudden attack? The root of the cause started when he entered the manor and realised there's no turning back. He couldn't meet Gertrude anymore and daily matches are painful. Blood, wounds, cuts are common. It's too painful. He feels useless, he started asking himself why he accepted the invitation? Weeks passed, and he couldn't improve. He learned Brooke can protect himself or his teammates but the timing to send his owl is never right. Brooke couldn't do it herself, she need her own owner's guide.

"What are you doing?"
"When will you learn seriously?"
"Can you at least be useful?"
"Stupid seer."

The words poured more and more into his mind which form into a circle of pain but the seer is still trying to be strong by shrugging it all off. Trying to ignore it by smiling. His usual bright smile. No one ever thought his mind and heart are broken just like a scattered glass.

Until one day where Naib confessed to him. The seer is really surprised and happy at the same time. He never thought someone would love him when his mind was telling him that he's ugly, useless and unloved. Eli accepted, though the happiness doesn't last long.

Eli feels like being by his side is just a burden for him. It all went downhill when other survivors are saying bad things about them. The mercenary, as in the most skilled and professional survivor being in a relationship with the seer, the survivor who always do mistake?

The seer reached his limit. It just hurts so bad. He can't hold it in anymore. When is the last time he hear Naib say that he love him? That simple words actually give him a reason to live, to keep being strong although he just want to end it all already.


The mercenary knocked the door hoping for the other to answer him and greet him with his beautiful smile. How he missed the smile. It's been weeks, and Naib couldn't even see his face. He's slowly getting tired of this. For the countless times, Naib walked away from the room leaving his lover. He can clearly hear the sobs but maybe it's not the time to talk yet.


His sobs stopped. The seer wiped his remaining tears with his sleeves. He looked around his room, it's already dark. Maybe midnight, not really sure. He wanted a comfort. He craved for a touch.

Eli pulled up his hood to hide his face from others who might still be awake. His eyes are still puffy and red from so many tears wasted. He looked around and slowly walk further after he's sure that no one is around. Soon, he arrived at the room he wanted to go which is Naib's room. He twisted the door knob and get inside, he can see the mercenary is still awake while writing his diary on his table. The mercenary looked up, surprised at the sight. His lover, the seer, finally get out from his cage?

"N-naib..." Eli opened his mouth to speak, staring at his lover as he started crying again. He quickly embrace the other in a tight hug while sobbing uncontrollably on his shoulder.

"Eli..." A small smile curled on the mercenary's lips. He hug back the other and slowly rubs his back to add a comfort. "Eli.. I'm sorry to say this when you're still crying but.. I want to end it all." The man pulled away from the hug as he look at the other, which is still in a sobbing mess.

"End..?" The seer blinked his eyes in confusion.

"I want to end this relationship. I'm sorry, I've waited enough and I don't think I can wait anymore. I'm sure.. You can find someone else better than me." Naib looked away.

"...." The seer froze in silence for a few minutes before he run away from the room, heading to somewhere else. He doesn't want to be there anymore nor near. His heart dropped at the words. He's not ready yet for this. More tears dropped to his cheeks and to his dark blue robe. Eli doesn't even look properly where he was going since his vision is getting blurry with too many tears.

Suddenly, he tripped over a vase and fall over the stairs. His head bumped on the hard surface too many times that it makes him feel dizzy . Unfortunately, the vase he tripped over before rolled down and fall to his head making it breaks to pieces. Everything happened too quick, the seer didn't even realise what is happening. His head bleeds a lot and the blood even drop to the floor. Eli couldn't get up nor has the strength to. Slowly, he lose his consciousness with his eyes slowly close until the darkness engulf him.

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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