Norton x Naib

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Requested by miyakocchi27

Another day. Another heartache. Norton was cheating on Naib again today but Naib just pretend like he doesn't know anything. He watched everything. He watched how Norton give his love and affection more on the other person. Not Naib, his actual lover. What did Naib do to be treated this way? Naib reminds himself of whatever he did but he can't find any mistake. Maybe the prospector got bored of him? However, no one know about Norton and Naib's relationship. They just thought they're close friends.

"Ah, Norton. Where are you going?" Naib saw his partner walked past him room but the raven stopped when Naib mentioned his name.

"I've got something to do." Norton replied and walked away before waiting for Naib's response. He looks like in a rush.

Again. Once again. Norton always said things like this but actually he's meeting his 'new lover'. Naib just watched the prospector disappearing from his vision. All of this happened a month ago when Naib was finding Norton to inform him about his next scheduled match. Norton isn't at his room, kitchen, or everywhere in the manor so Naib decided to find him at garden since that's the only place left.

"The match will start in 1 hour left! I need to hurry before-" The mercenary stopped in front of the garden's door when he heard Norton was talking with someone.

"Emma, thanks for always loving me."

Eyes widen at the gardener's name, he peeked through the door and saw Norton hugged the girl. Always loving me? So.. They've been together for a long time already?

Naib's heart ache at the thought. Why? Wasn't he good enough for the prospector? The mercenary walked away without telling Norton the news. His heart and feeling aren't strong enough to just barge in and talk to Norton with acting like nothing happened.

Naib just keeps quiet even he's in a lot of pain. He wanted to ask Norton about it, but he's afraid Norton might break up with him so.. He's just here, facing all the wounds. Norton's kiss, touch, hug, already stopped and was replaced with other person the prospector could give. Norton and Naib also didn't saw each other often like the beginning of their relationship.

"I wonder.. If he still has a feeling towards me. Even a little bit.." Naib sighed and walked downstairs making his way to the garden. Maybe some greens and fresh air can clear his thought. The mercenary opened the door slowly and looked around only to saw an awful sight. It happened again. Norton was kissing Emma. Norton, his lover, was kissing Emma.

Naib's heart stopped a second at the sight as he quickly turned away and ran as fast as he could. This is too much. Please, I want to end this. Clear salty liquids dropped on his cheeks and to the ground.

Naib entered his room and locked it up as he covered his mouth to hold his sobbing sound. He never felt like this since the first time he entered this manor and trapped here. His mind stopped at the thought. Was his existence here only a mistake? Suddenly, someone knocked the door.

"Naib? Are you there? You're scheduled to be in the next match. Please get ready." An owl hooted as Naib immediately realised its Eli Clark, his friend. His mind calmed at the thought of his friend. Naib wiped his tears using his sleeves and opened the door to a soothing sight. The seer was standing there with a soft smile of his.

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