Hunter Aesop x Survivor Joseph (1/2)

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Requested by my brain
(Need to relieve some ideas in my head first, cause I can't even think of something. I'll finish the other requests soon don't worry!)

Hunter Aesop
- embalm himself aka can summon his clone ( 2 aesop in a match yes op asf lemme kms)
- very quiet hunter
- never reveal his face without mask to anyone
- his weapon is.. up to your imagination :D

Survivor Joseph
- can take the picture of the hunter aka stun (hunter: MY EYESSSS)
- always wear his sword on his back (since he can't use it in the match)
- new survivor, just joined the manor 5 days ago
- known for a meanie to the hunters (HAH hunters got bullied)

It was another day again. As usual, join the match, escape or get sent back to the manor. Win or draw, depends on their effort but that's for the survivors. The hunters was different from them but the opposite so maybe that's kind of similar.

Joseph woke up early today for no reason. He just couldn't sleep much since the first day he was here. Uncomfortable? No, its actually fine here. Actually he would admit the fact that living here wasn't that bad even he was stuck here forever.


There's no bright morning. The sky was always dark but its not gonna rain for sure. No one know the reason but Joseph didn't care, he's fine with darks. (A/N: Hello darkness my old frien- *slapped by naib*)

Joseph sighed and combed his hair while looking at the small mirror on his desk. Combing his long silky silver hair carefully, he took his golden ribbon and tied it into a messy ponytail. The photographer opened his closet and pick his usual cloth. Blue with some elegant golden pattern, matching his ribbon on his hair.

He got changed into the cloths and checked himself until he was satisfied with his appearance. With a smile, he looked at a frame picture on his desk. "See you later, Claude."

The photographer walked out after closing the door, heading downstairs. Some of the survivors are there, and some are still sleeping, obviously. Joseph didn't really know all of the survivors but at least he remember their name.

Eli, William and Mike was at the kitchen or more likely, they're cooking breakfast now. Its pretty weird Eli was there because the seer only bring disaster at the kitchen or in short form, he's bad at cooking.

Joseph peeked a bit on the wall as he stare at the three of them. "D-do you need my help?" He ask in a soft voice, because he's a bit shy and awkward around them.

"Oh, Joseph. Sure! Eli, you can go now." William sighed in relief as he shoo-ed Eli away. Eli only pouted and looked away, "Hmph! I'll go wake Naib up then!" The seer stomped off and went upstairs.

"Phew, good timing Joseph!" Mike laughed nervously.

Joseph walked in, and he can see two plates of omelettes was already ruined by Eli which means it's not edible anymore.

Time skip brought to you by Mofuku (my lil kitten) stepping on my keyboard

Aesop woke up with a yawn as he looked at the clock. Its just 8:12am, his match would start at 10am sharp but he need to get ready. Wasting time is only for idiots.

The embalmer get changed into a white and golden english suit with a gold and white mask. He wanted to be a little different for once in a while. Aesop combed his blonde hair and tied it into a small ponytail neatly.

He was scheduled to be in one match only for today so he didn't mind waking up early today. Finish the match, then he can go back to the manor and relax. He doesn't know who's his opponent but he didn't care about that, and there's no reason to get worried about it.

Aesop walked to the dining table and sat down beside Jack since that's the only empty seat. He hated being beside Jack, not because he hate this hunter but his height. Aesop was the only shortest and more human-like hunter among all of them. He also didn't talk much with others, just like how he was before he's trapped in this manor.

"Good luck for the match later, Aesop." Aesop looked over to the source of the voice and its Mary. Aesop nodded and smile a bit, though the smile wasn't noticeable behind his mask.

Soon, Aesop noticed that there's 10 minutes left before the match start so he quickly jog to the matching room and take a seat. With a sigh, Aesop looked over to the survivors as he felt a bump on his heart. "Who's that? Is he new?" Aesop looked over to a male survivor with white silver long hair tied in a messy ponytail. He was holding a camera while talking with the seer.

Only 2 of 4 survivors clicked the ready button so Aesop still can stare at this boy who caught his attention. Fortunately, the survivors can't see the hunter there. Its like the hunter is invincible but the hunter can see them. Quite not fair? Aesop doesn't think like that.

Joseph was laughing and that makes Aesop's face become red. That's cute... Well, let's see how you would act in front of me later.

Aesop clicked a button and soon the room went dark, almost like they're blind for a second. They were teleported at the usual place, Sacred Heart Hospital. Aesop looked around to see if any survivors are near him but unfortunately, nope. He summoned his coffin and soon he heard someone's voice. "Focus on decoding!" Unfamiliar voice, maybe its the photographer? That's what in Aesop's mind. If the voice are kind of loud then maybe he's near.

Aesop walked further to the nearest cipher and.. There he is. He was typing the old rust cipher machine, not being aware of his surrounding when Aesop was already behind him. He's still new so Aesop won't blame him.

"Ah!" Joseph missed the calibration as he sigh, mumbling something Aesop couldn't hear. That's when Joseph just noticed his pink heart was beating faster, so noticeable. He looked behind to see the hunter as his eyes widen.

Aesop smiled behind his mask at his terrified face. His light blue eyes looks so beautiful. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'll be friendly this time. But.. Can I know more about you?"

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