Wu Chang x Victor

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Requested by PinkMakesMeGay
(Thanks boi I'm so honored *ugly gay sobbing*)

It was another usual day. More matches, more injuries, victories on one side and of course, Victor was one of them. Victor was playing against Jack with his teammates are Patricia, Fiona and Emily. Unfortunately, the victory is Jack's. Jack was in a bad mood today so he went aggressive on the survivors.

Only the doctor can escape, the rest was sent back to the manor. Obviously, Victor was injured so badly. Wounds and bruises could be seen on his skin through his tore clothes.

Fan and Xie was passing by the survivors manor since they was in the garden before with Emma. Victor was limping, on his way to go the clinic. Xie noticed this, and he tapped Fan on the shoulder.

"Isn't that Victor? He looks pretty bad."

Fan turned to look at the direction where  Xie has pointed his finger. "Yeah.." He sighed and went over to Victor with Xie.

Victor looked up at both of them with a force smile. "Hello, Fan and Xie--" His words was cut off when Fan suddenly carry him in bridal style. "Stop moving so much, idiot. You're hurt."

Victor blushed as he slowly nodded. Xie shakes his head at the scene. Fan always did things without Victor's agreement. Though its not a bad thing. Victor rested his head on Fan's chest, calming down as he tried to ignore the pain.

"Fan, the clinic is that way." Xie frowned when he saw Fan turning the opposite way of the clinic's direction.

"No, we will treat him ourselves. Let's go." Fan keeps walking without turning back, eyes focused on the hallway.

Xie sighed and just followed his brother to the hunters manor, and to their room. Fan lays Victor down on the bed as Victor looks around the room. "Why doesn't you bring me to Emily?"

Fan sits down on the bed as he looked away from Victor. "Don't mind that.. I just can't take it off my mind when I remember about Emily touching your body.."

Xie stood up beside Victor with a medical kit as he opened it up. "Fan is just jealous." Xie laughed.

"No I'm not!"

Victor chuckled at Fan's answer as he slowly unbutton his cloth and loosening it up, putting the cloth away. His bare chest are now exposed to the both of the hunters. Faint light pink decorated the postman's cheeks when he thought about his now exposed body.

Xie carefully treats the wound as Victor winced and almost scream at the pain. "X-xie.. It hurts..."

Fan suddenly holds Victor's chin as he bring it up to face him. Victor looked up at him with a confused face, "Hmm?"

"Its not that hurt. Shut up or we will kiss you." Fan give him a small peck on his lips as he looked away. "And that's for before."

"Not fair." Xie leaned in closer to Victor and kissed his cheeks softly. "Don't take him all to yourself." Xie huffed and continue to treat the wounds.

Victor's face was already red as tomato by now because of both of them. "S-stop that.. Ah!" He winced at the pain when the cotton touched his skin.

"And you did it again.." Fan smirked as he crawled to him closer of the bed, slightly giving him more violent kisses on his cheeks and lips.

Xie also did the same, he went to kiss Victor's lips and forehead. Both of them are attacking Victor with lots of kisses making him whined.

"T-that's enough.." Victor pushed both of them softly to prevent them from going further.

"Blame Fan for that." Xie chuckled as he turned to Fan who was now laying down beside Victor.

"No, its Victor's fault for being so cute. I couldn't hold back."

Victor caressed Fan's cheeks with his right hand with a soft smile plastered on his face. "I love both of you equally."

Emily checked around the manor worriedly, finding Victor. "Did anyone saw Victor? His injuries are so bad I need to treat his wounds before he got infected!"

Aesop shakes his head as no at Emily, "He's not here but he's at the hunters manor with Fan and Xie." He talked with a low voice.

"Hunters manor?! Emma, come with me!" Emma nodded at the doctor's command. Now both of them are heading to the survivors manor. Knocking on the black and white guards repeatedly, there's no answer.

Emily got worried as she opened the door with the gardener followed her behind. Looking at the sight in the room, both of them smiled. Fan and Xie was sleeping peacefully, with Victor in the middle. Victor's hand and body was bandaged and treated well.

"Victor looks fine. Let him rest with them. Let's go back to the manor." Emma poked the doctor to catch her attention as Emily nodded.

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