Hastur x Eli (⚠)

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Requested by acidne

The seer stepped into the matching room as he looked around the room. He's alone. Maybe he's too early?

Eli sat down on the chair as he shifted off here and there, feeling uncomfortable. He was wearing an outfit which is rare and unusual for him. The host told him to, so he can't protest or say anything. The outfit was mostly white and the most uncomfortable part is the choker thingy around his neck. His blindfold also looks weird, he thought. The accessories he wore also feels uncomfortable because he's not used with this kind of attire. (A/N: Its lunar phase skin!)

I want to finish this as soon as possible and get changed. Bright colors doesn't suits me. The thought filled his mind as he tapped his fingers on the table waiting for his teammates to arrive. They're late today.

As Eli was playing around with the candle, Emma, Fiona, and Mike stepped inside the room with their mouths opened like 'o'.

"Eli, you're beautiful!"

"Ahhh that really suits you!"

"You looks good with white~!"

The room was a bit noisy from all the praises when the seer's teammate saw Eli. True, it looks really beautiful but the actual owner actually doesn't like it much. But hearing at those praises from his friends, the seer blushed as he shook his head. "No, I'm not! Geez.."

The three of them just smiled and took their own seat. The hunter didn't arrive yet, so they need to wait a bit longer. This is kind of unusual since the hunter always arrive before the survivors but never mind that, things happens sometimes.

Soon, the room went dark before all of them was teleported at one map. Eli looked around as he immediately recognized the place. Its Leo's Memory, and Eli doesn't really like it since it's cold.

The seer quickly run to the nearest cipher and started decoding while looking around cautiously, just in case the hunter was near he can get ready to run or hide. Losing in his thoughts, he missed the calibration as he got electrocuted.

As expected, the purple light around his heart gets brighter as his heart was beating faster second by second. The hunter was teleported near him and was chasing him. It was the feaster aka octopus, the nickname from survivors.

The seer vaulted through the windows, slamming down the pallets, running around the christmas trees, but Hastur is still chasing him. The feaster summoned a tentacle in front of the survivor, Eli was focusing on running away and he didn't look what's waiting in front of him so he got one hit. His health was now reduced to half as he was limping.

Luck wasn't on his side, one of the tentacle appeared from the ground and hit him. His vision was blurry as his head was hurting so much along with dizziness he could feel.

He suddenly flinched when he felt a slimy thing against his skin. The seer turned around and he can caught a glimpse of a tentacle..? But its small and this kind of tentacle never appear during a match before.

The tentacle slowly went around his leg and soon went to his thigh. This is disturbing.. Eli couldn't do anything since the pain in his head is taking over him. Usually the hunter would tie him up with balloons and soon on the rocket chair but now it's the opposite. Maybe Hastur went to hunt the other survivors instead?

The tentacles slowly slides into Eli's boxer and went further, slightly poking his entrance making the seer shuddered at the touch. "N-nhh.."

"H-hurry..." He whispered to himself as a self motivation, since his self healing was only halfway. Suddenly, the tentacles slides into his entrance, as Eli muffled his moans while biting his lips. It's weird and uncomfortable so he didn't like it.

Eli's heart suddenly beat faster as he noticed the hunter just teleported near him. Hastur let out a chuckle when he saw the seer looks like.. A bit mess.

"You're so beautiful today." The feaster kneeled down (A/N: Is that even possible?) to Eli's level and holds his chin, making the seer look at him. "I'll be friendly to your teammates today but in return I want you to play with me."

"W-wha- Ah! What game..?" The seer moaned softly with the tentacle still thrusting into him and moving around.

"You'll know soon~" The feaster slowly took off Eli's cloth and lastly, his blindfold. Revealing the azure blue eyes with some tears, Hastur smiled. "You doesn't need to hide your whole body like this. You're so beautiful don't you know that~?"

"W-wait.. What are you doing..?" Eli was completely clueless at this point. He's too innocent and he still doesn't understand this even he's already naked now.

Hastur inserted his finger inside his entrance and curl his finger around, finding something. "Hmm it should be around here..." The seer yelped and moaned loudly when Hastur touched a spot.. Which feels weird to him.

"Ngh... S-stop it.." Eli looked up at the hunter with a puppy eyes, hoping he would listen to him.

Hastur smirked, "No. You know right, I didn't usually let all the survivors escape easily but.." A bigger tentacle suddenly appeared from the ground as it went into Eli's entrance, slightly ramming inside without any warning. Eli bit his lips at the pain or pleasure he's feeling. He's now half healed which means he can still run but its a no in this condition.

The feaster chuckled as he stare at the seer's face. "Moan for me~ Call my name~"

"I-it hurts.. S-sto- Ahhh!" The tentacles thrusts inside him while brushing his prostate in each movements.

"Are you sure? But this guy seems like he want more." Hastur touched the seer's member, pumping it slowly up and down. Eli was moaning loudly, doesn't care if his teammates would hear him. The pleasure are too much.

The tentacles stopped and slowly retreated with Hastur's command. Eli whined at the sudden empty feeling but his eyes went wide when something more bigger went inside him. "I think it's time for me to taste you hmm?"

"Ahh- N-no!" Eli pushed Hastur's chest with his hands wanting him to stop but the tentacles from before hold him down to stay still. Hastur started to move in a slow pace with Eli's voice won't stop whining begging him to stop.

"Stay quiet, Eli.. I promise I'll make you feels good." One more tentacle went inside Eli's mouth, gagging him.

"Mhh.. Mm!" The seer shut his eyes close tightly as he tried to struggle but to no avail. Hastur is still thrusting into him violently, not caring about the seer.

"Ah you're so cute.." Hastur caressed Eli's cheeks with a smile of victory. He finally got to claim Eli as his, of course he would be happy. The seer calmed down as he stop struggling, his face is flushed red with his eyes was half closed. Who knows the seer can turn into this?

Hastur smirked as he thrusts more into him, finally releasing his seeds inside him as the seer also cum at the same time, painting his stomach with white sticky substance. All of the tentacles slowly retreated as the seer panted with his hands covering his face.

Hastur pulled out with his cums leaking out from the entrance. Eli's whole body was wet with his sweat and the tentacles mucus but this sight makes the feaster got hard once again.

"Eli~" Hastur holds the seer's hands and moved them as he looked at Eli's face with a grin.

"Ready for round two?"

Eli blushed, as he slowly nod. "B-be gentle.. Not like before.."

Mike, Helena and Fiona already escape and they're already at the manor. Minutes by minutes passed but Eli didn't escape so they got worried.

"Wanna spectate?" Mike suggested.

"I guess... Yeah, sure." Fiona nodded, as she walked closer to the big tv at the matching room. She pushed the power button and looked at the screen or obviously, looking at Eli.

"What is tha- OH MY GOD!" The priestess quickly turned off the tv.

"What is it? I can't see it yet but you just turn it off." Mike whined as he pouted at Fiona.

"Why? What happened?" Helena asked curiously.

"Nothing, nothing. Both of you are innocent so you can't see it. Eli is fine, now let's go~" Fiona pushed both of them, walking out of the room.

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