King Joker x Prisoner William (⚠)

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Requested by Siniora-Chan
(I'm so sorry for being so late since my mind was completely blank)

It was another victory again. Joker and his kingdom managed win the battle against another kingdom. One by one and soon getting more weaker, the armies of the enemies was taken down. (A/N: I'm gonna smack you if you wanna say kpop-)

Joker chuckled. That was easy. They're too weak. Was what he thought as he give a command to kill the remaining injured armies. That was when his eyes locked on one spot, looking at a badly injured raven. Blood was around him, staining his cloths with it. His eyes was closed and his breathing was abnormal, possibly will die without immediate treatment. Joker went closer to the boy and take a closer look on him.

"Hey. Take him with us."

Time skip brought to you by hungry me

William opened his eyes slowly as he looked around. His vision was blurry but he could tell this place is somewhere unfamiliar. This seems like someone's room since he was laying down on a queen sized bed so the place next to him maybe belong to someone. The room was big, with couch across the room and of course with desk and chairs there.

Maybe someone took him because he noticed all his wounds was treated and bandaged, he's also wearing another cloths than his battle cloths.

Suddenly, someone entered the room. William couldn't see it well because the room was dark so he just waited until the person come closer to him. The person walked and soon stopped beside the bed, looking straight into the William's eyes. "Oh you're awake." Joker smiled.

William's eyes went wide. "Y-you..! King Joker! Why- No! Please let me go!" William quickly gets off from the bed and was about to run away but he fell down on the floor. "Run if you can." Joker holds the metal chain which attached to William's left leg with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Tsk! What do you want from me?! You killed my comrades, isn't that not enough?!" William shouted loudly to let out his anger towards the king. That hurts his throat but it doesn't matter for now.

"You know right, I'm a king. You shouldn't raise your voice like that or you're really screwed. Anyway~ I want you to be my toy. You're interesting." Joker smiled, explaining his motives.

"I refuse. I'm a human, not a to-" Joker pinned him down on the floor suddenly. "I treated your wounds and I saved you from death. You have no choice. You can't even run from here~"

William looked at the king with fear. What would happen to himself? Suffer, pain, and death? This man in front of him already ruined everything he has, now he take him just because he found a new toy? That's ridiculous. "F.. F-fine.." William looked away to the side. Its not like he gave up but he's definitely will find a way to escape. He has been through lots of training so of course this is just a small problem for him.

"Good. What's your name?" Joker gets off and carry William then puts him back on the bed. "You doesn't need to know.. That's not important." William looked away again.

"Oh. You caught my interest." Joker holds his chin as he quickly give him a small kiss on his lips which earned a frown from William. He was so surprised with the kiss but more importantly why did Joker kissed him? It was so sudden William couldn't even resist.


"Oh you're surprised? I thought you know what I meant by.. Toy~ I won't stop until you tell me your name." The king said as he take this chance to leaned over William's neck, slightly nibbled and bite on the skin.

"A-ah..!" William let out a moan as he struggled to be free even though its pointless. William never thought twice about what he meant by that 'toy' so he really need to escape from here as soon as possible.

"You like it?" Joker smirked as he brushed his finger on William's nipple through the shirt he was wearing. William was biting his lips this time so he can hold his moan and Joker wasn't satisfied at that.

"Come on~ Tell me your name.. But it seems like you like it huh?" Joker unbutton William's shirt as he throw the shirt across the room. William couldn't fight back since his body was weak and couldn't move much due to the pain of his wounds.

"S-sto- AH!" William moaned again when Joker suddenly sucking his nipple while pinching the other. The pleasure was unbearable so William couldn't hold his moan. "O-okay..! A-ah- My name is W-William.." William hid his face between the pillows as he blushed as red as tomato.

"Too late." Joker smirked again as he pulled down William's pants, revealing his hard member already leaking precum.

"W-wait..! Stop- What are you doi-"

"You're enjoying this, aren't you~?" Joker pushed one of his finger inside William's entrance as he moved around, exploring the inside without any warning.

"AH-Hah! N-no st- Ah!" William choked out loud moans as he tried to get used to the pleasure. Joker didn't listen to William or more likely he won't listen to anyone since he's the king. Instead he added one more finger and moved around while he looked at William. William now was a mess. He was drooling with some of his tears was on the corner of his eyes, his lips was letting out muffled moans as he bit his lips again, and his face was blushing a lot.

"I won't take a no as your answer now." Joker chuckled as he give him a small peck on William's cheeks before lifting both his legs up and positioned himself on his entrance. "Ready?"


William just stay quiet when he knew its hopeless to resist at this situation now. He doesn't know what to say, he want it but don't want it at the same time. Joker was getting bored of waiting for William. He won't talk or give him any answer so he just pushed in his member inside him suddenly which earned a choked moan from William.

"W-wai- Ah! Pull it out! Stop it!"

"Who are you to order me around~?" Joker didn't care about William, he just moved in and out without giving William a chance to adjust or get used to the feeling.

"S-stop..! It hur- AH! It hurts!"

"Shh.." Joker quicken his pace as he thrust into William roughly. After a while the pain turned into pleasure as William finally let out a pleasure moan, he didn't shout at Jokes to stop anymore, he just let out his lewd moans while letting Joker pounding into him without resisting.

William moaned loudly as he reached his climax and came on his stomach and onto the bed. After few more thrusting, William grips the bedsheets as Joker came inside him.

Joker pulled out with his cums pouring out from his entrance and he looked at the exhausted boy. Now he's satisfied.

William fell asleep before Joker could say anything. He was too tired and doesn't have much energy.

"Maybe I should take him as my lover instead of letting him die." Joker stroked William's head softly as he watched him sleeping.

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