chapter 25- happy to see the two eyes already acquainted with

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When vanathi saw Adithya in a chained position, she  felt humiliated and rushed immediately towards him and shook him with full force.

After a couple of minutes he opened his eyes. She was little relieved and within a second she met Adithya's questioning glare mixed with sorrow. Only then she realised the waterleaks in her eyes 😭. Yeah she cried for him.

She doesn't have time to argue with her inner thoughts. She immediately took the sword and cut off the hard rope and removed the cloth tied around his mouth.

He stood by himself and didn't fall but vanathi doesn't wanna take a chance so she leaned closer to have a grip on his waist. Immediately Aditya looked into her eyes with shy and a sort of look which vanathi couldn't catch up.
Vanathi said, " I know you can stand by your own but i thought your legs could be numb by the rope so i think i can help you."

" I know you helped me a lot and will help me always... I know.. "Aditya smiled and enjoyed the company of vanathi until he steps out of the tree cavity.

"What happened vanathi, how i was chained?" Questioned Adithya in deep tone.

Vanathi told him everything that has happened and he was astonished that how a  woman can spy bravely and fight a tiger strategically!!

The very prior quality he expects from his future wife who ascends the thrown with him as a queen in near future.

"Let's not walk to the same place where we slept. Some spies might be there. Let us try to get a horse until then we walk out of this woods. I know it will be very hard for you. I'm sorry. You look so tired. Get some rest, i will keep watching for any threats." Says Adithya Yanks her hand softly towards a rocky ledge and put her to sleep.

Adhitya's POV:

Aditya's critical thinking brain says him to figure out the way to the chevvur and find the squatters. The other side of his emotional thinking part says him to look at vanathi. After a huge brain war, he gave a shot to look at vanathi. Even under the dark sky , she looks like an illuminating star with a tranquil facade. She sleeps as though she doesn't need to worry. Does that mean, I'm here to protect her? Does she feels i care, cherish , protect her?! That's why , is she sleeping without fear? Do i LOVE her? Does she loves me?  He was astonished about his own thoughts.

Anyhow vanathi had a good sleep while Adithya was battling with his thoughts. She woke up and happy to see the two eyes she already acquainted with, yes she smiled at Aditya.

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