Chapter 1 - I'm in a hurry

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Hi! I'm vanathi, a final year undergraduate student of Bioelectronics. I was sweating profusely while walking towards main road from the lab after working several hours in the lab for my project at the university. I packed my baggage from dorm and planned to visit my parents straight away from my classes after finishing it. It was around 7 pm and it's exactly Full moon day. I pray God with terror stricken face because there is hardly any people in the road as it's a type of woods grown in the university campus which makes me scary at this night while crossing this woods to make to the main road. I usually finish my work and leave the university atleast before 6pm.
But this day is not my day, definitely , my mind said something mysterious is gonna happen. I was fearing of UFOs and all such nonsense of alien abducting humans and so on.
While walking along the sidewalk, I didn't notice a natural pool near it. I slipped onto it along with my baggage.
I was drowning, I couldn't see anything and closed my eyes. Suddenly I feel someone is dragging me out of water. I wasn't able to open my eyes but my senses are little bit active to hear a male voice. I was mumbling something that doesn't even reach my ears.
That man tilted me and flipped me to squeeze the water out of my lungs as an emergency first aid. I was puking out all the water and felt quite ok to breath easily. But once again I fainted and didn't know what happened later.
Once I opened my eyes I saw a bright sunshine but I felt something strange especially about the surrounding. I was laying on a bed, but that doesn't look like a bed, it was like a huge bed carved by a skilled carpenter with ancient design. I'm puzzled.
The room has very huge windows, everything out of teak wood. Definitely, the owner must be a rich guy to accomplish everything with teak wood.
I heard some noises downstairs. I went near the window to see few girls of my age doing some chores, near them I saw few men in different attire, like soldiers..
Oh may be this could be a historical movie set and might be filming.
What! Movies ! Films! No no no! I must be crazy to think this way. I didn't see any cameras near. There is something strange and fishy here. Let me not try to do anything but to wait for someone to come.
Atlast a woman came in with a few knock over my door and asked me to visit the prince at his office room after my morning routine.
I asked her , who these people are. Instead of answering me she asked me , " Ms. Which country are you from?" I asked which place is this. She said,"This is the palace of the king sundara raja and now you are residing at the prince Arul mozhi's mansion." She assisted me to the bathroom but I felt I'm in stone age. Yes of course , toilet was carved out of stone. Every objects there puzzled me. After my morning chores , I was lead to prince Arul's office room by the maid.

Vanathi's POV:
After few moments the large door was opened for me to get into. I slipped in. I was scared to see the mummified head of Lion, Tiger, cheetah and what not every carnivorous big cats' head was there all for display. I was scared to see such thing, it infact made me to suffocate. Soon another man came near me and walk me to another medium sized door which has delicately carved and I was mesmerized by that beautiful door. Once it was opened I was astonished but definitely not in amusement. Because there stood a tall gigantic man at his early twenties. He was muscular and his abs shows," hey I'm 8packs"
He was roughly about 6ft ,his skin has dark complexion but what scared me was his eyes, yes , of course! his eyes has a captivating power while he was looking at me with a sort confusion, precautiousness, pity and above all with curiosity in his eyes.
Let me not speak at first, he should explain me where and why I'm here.
He broke the silence," who are you, why did you jumped into my personal pool at my garden, who has sent you?"
His tone was bossy. That triggered my ego and I was ready with my sarcastic reply," hello Mr, who gave you the rights to ask me in your bossy tone, didn't your parents teach you the manners while speaking to a girl? Maybe I should ask your parents to teach you manners and some etiquettes"

That guy looks stunned and speechless just for few seconds and he shoot me another question which was formal," May I know who are you?"
I replied, "That's good Mr, I'm vanathi, I'm an under grad in bioelectronics in the university. While I was walking I slipped into the pool near the sidewalk due to lack of lights at that place and I sense someone helped me dragging out of that pool and I ended up standing before you, by the way may I know who are you?"
There were few other officers at the room and Every one looks astonished at me after my reply.
What did I said! I didn't mean to hurt anyone and didn't do any disrespect , then why everyone was looking strangely at me!!!
Now the man with his curious face told me," I'm not going to leave you until you say the truth about who has sent you here to spy on me and my kingdom."
Now it's my turn to look strangely at that mudhead," hello ! Mr. Who are you to hold me here and you are not the superior authority to arrest me here. How dare you accuse me of spying on you, I don't even know your name mudhead, if you don't leave me , then you will be ended in the police station and the video of police officers arresting you will become viral in YouTube, Instagram and you will be labelled as stalker, abuser, etc. So if you don't want to get embarrassed in such situations you better leave me."
All of a sudden I saw dozens of swords pointing at my head and throat.

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