A long day

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I can't believe I am housing one of the most troublesome students in my apartment.

No way.

I lent him one of the rooms and made sure everything was locked away before finally going to bed myself.

I woke up early and I sluggishly made some vanilla coffee and let the scent waft throughout the rooms.

I heard heavy footsteps and I turned around and saw Shiro setting plates on the table.

"Hana whats for breakfast?"

"Well since we have guests we are having strawberry and banana crepes. Hopefully I won't die from all the sugar in them."

Shiro laughed.

Ren came in and I gave a sigh. I put down crepes and he stared at my plate for a long time.

I had given them all their own crepes. I dug and chugged at the coffee and then he stared at my coffee.

"Do you need to drink coffee every morning?"

Strange question.

"Nah. I only drink it when I think I have a long day ahead of me."

As soon as everyone finished eating we all cleaned up.

We all hurried to school and I let myself into my office.

The rest of the day there was many people in my office. Apparently there was a disagreement between the football players and things didn't end well.

I sighed.

A long day indeed.

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