Kei and Kanon

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I dropped Ren's number and I called Kei and Asked,"Kei. I need a favor. I am going to go to a high school reunion and I need a date. I hope you don't mind me asking you to pretend to be my boyfriend."

"Oh? Just your fake boyfriend?" I laughed shakily.

"Yeah. Just my fake boyfriend. You  really shouldn't think that just because I am asking you to be my Bf for a few hours that I am suddenly going to be your real Gf."

"Relax. I won't do anything that will make you indebted to me. However if I take you out then You have to let me go on a real date with you."

"Okay then. See you in two days."

I hung up and sighed. DId I really make the right choice?

I shook my head again. Kei is smart and hopefully he might help the limelight turn away from me.

When it was time Kei picked me up in his car and we got to the hotel and I saw Kanon sitting alone with a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

For Saru no doubt.

We got into the party and Kanon saw me and he gave me a heart warming smile. I gave him a nod and he shoved the floweres into my arms and I smilled shyly.

"Thank you. I can see that you haven't changed much. How is Saru doing?"

He flinched and he said,"We were never going out."

"Hhhmmm.I understand. Hey Kei I saw a very big tea shop on the way here why don't we go?"

Kei gave me a cunning smile and I blushed. Wow this guy is really cute.

Kei pulled on my arm but, then Kanon said,"Would you be willing to go out with me again?"

I stuck my tongue out at Kanon and said,"Sooorrrryyy! I am already dating Kei so stop hanging around me."

I clung to Kei's arm and we left for the tea shop and I burst out laughing and I rolled down Kei's passenger window and threw out the flowers he had given to me.

Red roses are so over rated.

I threw my head back and laughed along with kei.

"What's with that guy anyway? Ex-flame?"

I nodded and he gave me a cracked smile.

"The best way to put put out a fire is to dump water on it or burry it with dirt.

You were stunning how you told that guy to mind his business."

We drank tea and told jokes the entire time.

Yeah I don't regret calling on this big lug.

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